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Everything posted by Wrestleknownothing

  1. after he has used all his eligibility?
  2. That Iowa fans are the most awesome ever? I took the survey. Seemed pretty straightforward. Asking to rate different aspects of the CHA experience.
  3. I watched this topnotch documentary on youtube yesterday and wanted to share. Curran Jacobs (MSU wrestler and catch world champion) has put together a documentary on the history of catch-as-catch-can wrestling along with Mike Chapman (WIN Magazine, creator of the Hodge Trophy, 5x National Wrestling Writer of the Year) that is absolutely fascinating. I cannot recommend this highly enough. Learn about guys like Billy Riley, Karl Gotch, Frank Gotch, Farmer Burns, and many more. Watch Terry Brands volunteer to get his tibia broken with a toe hold in front of the Gable statue. See the passion Dan Gable and others have for the history of the sport. It is an hour and seventeen minutes well spent. To paraphrase Mike Chapman, get hooked on catch.
  4. I watched this topnotch documentary on youtube yesterday and wanted to share. Curran Jacobs (MSU wrestler and catch world champion) has put together a documentary on the history of catch-as-catch-can wrestling along with Mike Chapman (WIN Magazine, creator of the Hodge Trophy, 5x National Wrestling Writer of the Year) that is absolutely fascinating. I cannot recommend this highly enough. Learn about guys like Billy Riley, Karl Gotch, Frank Gotch, Farmer Burns, and many more. Watch Terry Brands volunteer to get his tibia broken with a toe hold in front of the Gable statue. See the passion Dan Gable and others have for the history of the sport. It is an hour and seventeen minutes well spent. To paraphrase Mike Chapman, get hooked on catch.
  5. I watched this topnotch documentary on youtube yesterday and wanted to share. Curran Jacobs (MSU wrestler and catch world champion) has put together a documentary on the history of catch-as-catch-can wrestling along with Mike Chapman (WIN Magazine, creator of the Hodge Trophy, 5x National Wrestling Writer of the Year) that is absolutely fascinating. I cannot recommend this highly enough. Learn about guys like Billy Riley, Karl Gotch, Frank Gotch, Farmer Burns, and many more. Watch Terry Brands volunteer to get his tibia broken with a toe hold in front of the Gable statue. See the passion Dan Gable and others have for the history of the sport. It is an hour and seventeen minutes well spent. To paraphrase Mike Chapman, get hooked on catch.
  6. The few articles I have read that mention this say it is undetermined. Heck, a lot of how this impact D1 is still undetermined. But as this is an NCAA issue, I do not think it directly impacts NAIA.
  7. Re-read that sentence. You have mis-comprehended again. The article made a dumb claim. Of course, by extention, you made a dumb claim. So there is that. Why did you post that article? What about that article made you think it was a good idea to post it? My prediction that you would not provide straight answer was accurate, but also very simple. Not providing a straight answer is the coin of your realm.
  8. Scroll up. You still haven't said why you posted this garbage article, full of grammatical errors, logical errors, and faulty reasoning from an Indian "news" site. I told you what was wrong with it. You implied there was something right. So what is it? Author's note: I do not expect a straight answer.
  9. The one significant party that has yet to weigh in on this situation is Congress. Remember that the NCAA is lobbying hard to get Congress to put at least some of the genie back in the bottle. If successful, the NCAA could get Congress to role back some of the gains athletes have won in court.
  10. Not from there, but the wife and I have spent time in various Michigan resort/vacation areas (including SW LM pocket) and it never disappoints. On our last trip we circumnavigated Lake Michigan. Our favorite place was Pictured Rocks.
  11. And for $15 shipping and handling, I can forward it to you. Send me you account details and I will send a test deposit. You can trust me. I learmed from Flo.
  12. That was the beauty of it. I didn't have to complain and 50 bucks showed up in my mail box anyway. Clean living.
  13. A settlement has been reached in a class action lawsuit against FloSports, Inc. Plaintiffs Lucas Young, Daniel O’Malley, and Charles Buckingham (collectively, the “Class Representatives”) allege that they were enrolled in automatically renewing subscriptions for FloSports’ content without adequate disclosures and notice regarding renewal charges and cancellation terms. FloSports claims its subscription renewal practices complied with all applicable laws and regulations and that it fairly disclosed all terms associated with its subscriptions. Thus, FloSports denies all allegations of wrongdoing, and the Court has not determined who is right. Rather, the Parties have agreed to settle the lawsuit to avoid the uncertainties and expenses associated with ongoing litigation.
  14. Knowing what we know about the paragons of amatuer athletics, The Olympics, combined with man's basic greed for power and money, it probably was inevitable. But that is easy to say when you know the result, and impossible to prove.
  15. These are some of the same noxious arguments slave owners used to justify slavery.
  16. No one calls that journalism. Random sentences, some of which are coherent, perhaps.
  17. What were you trying to achieve here? Shilo Sanders' NIL has nothing to do with why he declared bankruptcy. As a matter of fact, any NIL money will help to pay his debt.
  18. Possibly. The proposed settlement replaces scholarship limits with roster limits. The sttlement is not final. It needs to be appoved by the courts. It can still get altered in that process.
  19. Pay the man. I am pleasantly surpised it is actual money and not just a discount on future services.
  20. Don't be afraid. It is OK to form an original thought. It may hurt at first, but soon you will get used to it. Thinking for yourself can be liberating.
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