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Everything posted by Wrestleknownothing

  1. Don't you worry, the bottom is being gotten to.
  2. A little more detail on World Liberty. 75% of the proceeds (after initial operating expenses) go to Donald Trump. Before Justin Sun came along they had only sold 7% of the tokens, which was not enough to trigger the 75% payout to Trump. Justin Sun's purchase of $30 million puts at least $15 million directly into Trump's pocket. Then the SEC drops charges against Sun. Many on this board will either see those two facts as not connected, or will imply it is justified because of theories about Nancy Pelosi and Joe Biden.
  3. This one is different. Coinbase has long sought clarity from the SEC and a path to registration. But former SEC head, Gary Gensler, was very anti-crypto and never provided any clarity or a real way to do that. Coinbase has tried to be the anti-FTX, even going public so that US securities and disclosure laws apply to them.
  4. Trump will fight this with everything he has. He has now used three of these meme coins to enrich himself since the election. And his new SEC head just quashed an investigation of a crypto manipulator who bought one of Trump's meme coins in a naked attempt to achieve that exact outcome. With the most transactional president in the history of presidents, meme coins are the purest way to purchase Trump's favor. I would expect more of this, not less. If Zelensky wants to get all he desires from Trump the simple solution is to buy any and all unsold World Liberty, Trump, and Melanie meme coins. Then you will see Trump sing a very different tune. Hell, Zelensky may even want to start a new meme coin where the proceeds go to Trump.
  5. Run on all you like. It is always great to hear about greatness.
  6. I am either the greatest wrestler ever. Or the worst. The world will never know.
  7. Is the funniest outcome that he misses weight?
  8. You are too focused on 2023. That is the only year in the last four that they have been below their average for the Cael years. Last year, winning 4 of 6 (66.7%), is spot on their Cael Era average, 38 of 57 (66.7%). Across the four years they are 15 for 20 in the finals (75%).
  9. We live in an attention economy. He needs to set up a pay-per-view fight with the alleged heckler post haste.
  10. Nothing like thinking you just posterized the competition only to find out you dunked on your own basket.
  11. It is sweetly naive that you think that is the only abuse that matters.
  12. How quaint that you think this started with Biden.
  13. Gillooly style? Because Gabe Arnold is entered as the starter at 184.
  14. You would make a good lawyer. Only ask questions you already know the answer to.
  15. Yet...if you use the field averages PSU has a greater chance of 0 champs (2.0%) than Minnesota had of 10 AAs (0.7%).
  16. And Penn. The last two years Cornell had 16 allocations and Penn had 13.
  17. Not if Democrats are also implicated. Mutually assured destruction.
  18. If only this could have been anticipated...
  19. "I’ve known Jeff [Epstein] for 15 years. Terrific guy, He’s a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side." Donald Trump I am at a loss for why the file release was meaningless.
  20. TBD. He and his son were the only two detained and the police are investigating before deciding whether to bring charges.
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