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1 hour ago, jross said:

There were tens of thousands of peaceful protestors.  A fraction participated in a riot.  

Nobody has been charged with insurrection. The terms "insurrection" and "rebellion" aren't clearly defined in the law, both now and back in 1909. Only a few people who planned ahead were charged with seditious conspiracy. Overall, January 6 had a mix of chaotic and uncoordinated actions, with the majority of the tens of thousands participating peacefully.

J6 lacked the level of organization and planning typical of a conspiracy. The day’s chaos was driven by various people with different motives rather than a well-coordinated, unified effort to overthrow the government. It was more disorganized and less structured than what would be considered a conspiracy under the 1909 definition.

Labeling all Trump supporters, January 6 participants, and the event in general as dangerous insurrection/ists is unfair and simplistic. Most were there to protest, not to commit violence or overthrow the government.  People anywhere that are easily influenced by sensationalism and partisanship rather than objective analysis are dangerous.

I’m reviewing all the evidence and believe the election was rigged and fraudulent, with more proof expected later. If conservatives or others were planning an insurrection, it would involve a well-armed, large scale, and carefully planned effort to quickly take over the government.  And it would likely have initial success or at least extend for days/weeks.

Thank goodness I only labelled Trump that way. He was their catalyst. 

"With more proof expected later" sounds like second cousin to "we have the receipts".

Drowning in data, but thirsting for knowledge

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1 hour ago, jross said:

There were tens of thousands of peaceful protestors.  A fraction participated in a riot.  

Nobody has been charged with insurrection. The terms "insurrection" and "rebellion" aren't clearly defined in the law, both now and back in 1909. Only a few people who planned ahead were charged with seditious conspiracy. Overall, January 6 had a mix of chaotic and uncoordinated actions, with the majority of the tens of thousands participating peacefully.

J6 lacked the level of organization and planning typical of a conspiracy. The day’s chaos was driven by various people with different motives rather than a well-coordinated, unified effort to overthrow the government. It was more disorganized and less structured than what would be considered a conspiracy under the 1909 definition.

Labeling all Trump supporters, January 6 participants, and the event in general as dangerous insurrection/ists is unfair and simplistic. Most were there to protest, not to commit violence or overthrow the government.  People anywhere that are easily influenced by sensationalism and partisanship rather than objective analysis are dangerous.

I’m reviewing all the evidence and believe the election was rigged and fraudulent, with more proof expected later. If conservatives or others were planning an insurrection, it would involve a well-armed, large scale, and carefully planned effort to quickly take over the government.  And it would likely have initial success or at least extend for days/weeks.

Why does kamela never mention her close brush with death on Jan 6th?



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7 hours ago, Wrestleknownothing said:

I know "low T" is your new favorite thing to say, and it probably works great on the playground, but what I am saying is you are low IQ.

I believe MAGA used to throw the word sheep around quite a bit. I like to use parrot myself but, to each their own. 

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On 8/23/2024 at 4:56 PM, Wrestleknownothing said:


Al Capone was only ever convicted of carrying a concealed weapon, contempt, and tax evasion.

It is called legal realism.

It's called not enough evidence to get a conviction.   Because there is no evidence of an insurrection.   Nice try Know Nothing.   If it was an insurrection, DOJ would have called it that.  They have not.   Case closed.


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7 minutes ago, mspart said:

It's called not enough evidence to get a conviction.   Because there is no evidence of an insurrection.   Nice try Know Nothing.   If it was an insurrection, DOJ would have called it that.  They have not.   Case closed.


That level of charitable thought only gets extended to Trump around here.

Drowning in data, but thirsting for knowledge

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On 8/24/2024 at 8:04 PM, Scouts Honor said:

seems pretty low IQ

Yes, this is the thing that all those Kamala loving Ds have forgotten.  She was considered a liability to the Biden campaign.   He stubbornly supported her.   She was not an asset.   Now she is the saving grace of the D party and the nation.   If the press isn't the enemy of the people, certainly they are the enemy of the truth.  





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On 8/24/2024 at 1:52 PM, Wrestleknownothing said:

I know "low T" is your new favorite thing to say, and it probably works great on the playground, but what I am saying is you are low IQ.

I mean.  Isn’t it statistically true?   Kids have lower t now than they did historically.   Given kids vote blue more…. Isn’t it statistically true???? 





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On 8/24/2024 at 6:12 PM, Wrestleknownothing said:

"With more proof expected later" sounds like second cousin to "we have the receipts".

If election rigging includes illegal or unethical actions like:

  • Misuse of power/influence to unfairly sway voters
  • Changing or enforcing rules to benefit one party

Then these Democratic actions could be seen as strong evidence of rigging (or "fortifying") the election:

  • Voting Rule Changes, Media Coverage, Controlling the Narrative, and More:
    The Secret History of the Shadow Campaign That Saved the 2020 Election (Times article by Democrat Molly Ball)

  • Information Censorship and Manipulation:
    "It’s since been made clear that the (Hunter Biden) reporting was not Russian disinformation, and in retrospect, we shouldn’t have demoted the story...."
    (Meta-Facebook CEO Democrat Mark Zuckerberg letter)

    "Why Google Poses a Serious Threat to Democracy"
    (Testimony by Democrat Robert Epstein)

More people voted for Donald Trump than any candidate in USA history.  Biden received even more votes than Trump in the "most secure election in history." Surveys indicate that most Biden votes were anti-Trump rather than pro-Biden.

The stories about Biden’s daughter, his son, and his family’s foreign funds—all real—were suppressed by the media, while negative stories about Trump, both real and invented, were amplified. Surveys suggest that if this negative Biden information had been more widely available, many Biden votes would have shifted to either no vote or Trump votes.


This sort of election rigging also occurred in 2016... and other elections.  As for future receipts of election fraud, be patient and see what comes from 2020 in Fulton County, GA:

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11 minutes ago, jross said:

 @Wrestleknownothing , what does RFK say in the first two minutes of this video?  


Go condescend somewhere else.

If you have something to say, say it.

But say it fast, I am this close to dropping this site due to the unbearable ad experience.

Edited by Wrestleknownothing

Drowning in data, but thirsting for knowledge

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4 hours ago, Wrestleknownothing said:

Go condescend somewhere else.

If you have something to say, say it.

But say it fast, I am this close to dropping this site due to the unbearable ad experience.

Please don't

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7 hours ago, Wrestleknownothing said:

Go condescend somewhere else.

If you have something to say, say it.

My goal was to offer context and evidence from Democrat sources to support my points about election rigging. I apologize if asking you to review RFK's comments came across as off-putting. 

Here are the key points from RFK:


  • RFK believes the Biden administration has made it harder for people to trust that institutions are unbiased.
  • The Biden laptop story is shocking and important, but Democrats are not willing to hear it.
  • About a week before the debate, Anthony Blinken (then Biden's campaign director, now Secretary of State) asked Gina Haspel (CIA head) for help with the laptop situation.
  • Haspel then had 51 CIA officers sign a letter calling the laptop’s story a Russian disinformation campaign.
  • This action by the CIA, which is supposed to stay out of domestic politics, was seen as interfering with the election while accusing Russians of interference.
  • When Biden referred to this "CIA debunking" in the debate, it influenced the election outcome.

I don’t think dismissing evidence of election rigging is a matter of low IQ. Instead, it reflects bias, resistance, and a lack of critical thinking.

While there are no concrete receipts proving election fraud, there are eyewitness accounts, whistleblower testimonies, and irregularities.  Judges have largely refused to hear the cases.  Dismissing the likelihood of fraud reflects bias, resistance, and a lack of critical thinking.

Judges dismissing the Fulton County cases have damaged trust with the legal system. If fraud is present, let’s investigate it. If not, then those raising concerns will quiet down and regain trust in the election process.

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7 hours ago, jross said:

My goal was to offer context and evidence from Democrat sources to support my points about election rigging. I apologize if asking you to review RFK's comments came across as off-putting. 

Here are the key points from RFK:


  • RFK believes the Biden administration has made it harder for people to trust that institutions are unbiased.
  • The Biden laptop story is shocking and important, but Democrats are not willing to hear it.
  • About a week before the debate, Anthony Blinken (then Biden's campaign director, now Secretary of State) asked Gina Haspel (CIA head) for help with the laptop situation.
  • Haspel then had 51 CIA officers sign a letter calling the laptop’s story a Russian disinformation campaign.
  • This action by the CIA, which is supposed to stay out of domestic politics, was seen as interfering with the election while accusing Russians of interference.
  • When Biden referred to this "CIA debunking" in the debate, it influenced the election outcome.

I don’t think dismissing evidence of election rigging is a matter of low IQ. Instead, it reflects bias, resistance, and a lack of critical thinking.

While there are no concrete receipts proving election fraud, there are eyewitness accounts, whistleblower testimonies, and irregularities.  Judges have largely refused to hear the cases.  Dismissing the likelihood of fraud reflects bias, resistance, and a lack of critical thinking.

Judges dismissing the Fulton County cases have damaged trust with the legal system. If fraud is present, let’s investigate it. If not, then those raising concerns will quiet down and regain trust in the election process.

I am reminded of the scene in My Cousin Vinny wherein Vincent Laguardia Gambini explains to the two utes that the prosecution will present evidence that looks like a solid brick, but if you turn it sideways there is nothing there.

What you are presenting are theories, not evidence. And this is in spite of the fact that nothing prevents the investigation of fraud. But an investigation does not start with a judge. It ends with a judge, and/or jury, weighing in on whether the investigation resulted in proof. A tremendous amount of time, resources, and money was spent in search of that evidence, but none was produced. 

And it was not just the Fulton County cases that were dismissed. There were something like 50 cases dismissed on procedural grounds, or withdrawn by Trump's team. At least one of these cases resulted in sanctions on the lawyers presenting them for presenting them based on false information. Ultimately, at least 10 suits were heard and decided on their merits in Arizona, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Nevada, and Georgia. None of these 10 were successful for Trump.

It was Trump's own lead strategist/lawyer at the time, America's mayor turned America's national embarrassment, Rudy Giuliani, who said to the Arizona AG, "We've got a lot of theories. We just don't have the evidence." And he was so lacking in evidence, in spite of having a greater ability to gather it than perhaps anyone, that he made things up such that he is now on the hook for $148 million due to his slander of the mother and daughter election workers in Georgia.

Drowning in data, but thirsting for knowledge

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@Wrestleknownothing Stream 2 on fraud.  My cousin Vinny is a good reference :).

The fraud scenario is peculiar.  It's like a plumber seeing mold and reporting a water leak but not being allowed to check the pipes.  The plumber and friends are fined for saying there was a water leak.  The financial consequence does not mean there wasn't a leak; it just means the folks were not able to prove it. Without a proper inspection, the problem might still be there, and the doubts won't go away.  Georgia is doing everything they can to prevent the inspection...  It is not the only state...

The situation in Georgia is not about inspection money.  That is a distraction.  Just like you’d do whatever it takes to protect your child, the same effort should be made to protect the election integrity.

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4 hours ago, jross said:

@Wrestleknownothing Stream 2 on fraud.  My cousin Vinny is a good reference :).

The fraud scenario is peculiar.  It's like a plumber seeing mold and reporting a water leak but not being allowed to check the pipes.  The plumber and friends are fined for saying there was a water leak.  The financial consequence does not mean there wasn't a leak; it just means the folks were not able to prove it. Without a proper inspection, the problem might still be there, and the doubts won't go away.  Georgia is doing everything they can to prevent the inspection...  It is not the only state...

The situation in Georgia is not about inspection money.  That is a distraction.  Just like you’d do whatever it takes to protect your child, the same effort should be made to protect the election integrity.

It is a distraction of the Trump camp's creation. The person Trump chose to spearhead his efforts, Giuliani, accused these two women of fraud, and did it in the most disgusting, racially charged manner he possible could. You will not be able to persuade me that was not intentional on his part. Giuliani is also the one who a member of his own party said reported he had no proof. 

As for rigging vs fraud, what is the distinction?

Drowning in data, but thirsting for knowledge

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36 minutes ago, Wrestleknownothing said:

Wille has talked me off the ledge with his posts. I am certainly willing to be patient and offer some grace to Bob given the free nature of this site. 


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2 hours ago, WrestlingRasta said:

Just watched that a few minutes ago.  I'm reminded of the Al Bundy line, "It's not the shoes to make you look fat, its the fat that makes you look fat"

So voting for Kamala doesn't mean she's stupid she's voting for Kamala because she is stupid.  🙅‍♀️

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