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6 minutes ago, Bigbrog said:

He uses the "a bad thing might happen" argument when he says a biological man should be able to use the same restroom/lockeroom as biological women...if we don't let them something bad will happen to them...somehow it MAY cause violence and endanger the lives of the trans person...works for his point of view but not others??  🙄


he doesn't see he is more bigoted than he claims we are 

  • Bob 1
13 hours ago, ionel said:

have you ever tried to milk a bull?

Isn't that an actual job?  I guess cattlemen consider that white gold if from a champion bull.

People who tolerate me on a daily basis . . . they are the real heroes.

20 hours ago, WrestlingRasta said:

This shows a fundamental difference in belief in what individual rights and freedoms are.  One of those fundamentals is that your individual right and freedom ends at the point it begins to infringe upon mine.  

The dynamic here as it relates to the bathroom is that you are saying it is punishing the trans women for saying no to using the women’s bathroom, without consideration to the vast majority of women who feel an extreme invasion of their rights when a biological male enters their bathroom.  And that is where the individual right of one infringes upon the other. 

An individual, biological man has the right to identify as a female.  I will even say an individual has a right to ask to be addressed as a female.  But that is where their right and freedom ends, because forcing me to recognize as a female, or allow to share the bathroom with my biological female children, is an invasion of their right and freedom. It is not fear, it is just as much personal liberty as someone who wants to identify that way.  And just like I have no desire to force you (you being a trans woman in the scenario) to say you must identify as a male…..I am under no obligation to acknowledge you as a male. In THAT scenario, both person’s individual freedom’s are satisfied, and it has nothing to do with fear. 

You haven't made it clear how anyone or anything is being infringed. 

No. Again, don't talk for a group of people for which you are not 100% certain are in agreement with your statement. Using the term 'vast majority' is so broad that it might as well be useless in this situation. Besides, XY people have been using womens' bathrooms and likely without anyone being the wiser. Which leads me back to a question I asked in previous posts, how do we determine who gets to be allowed because its already happening and how do we go about it? Genital checks at the door? Do XY people that can easily pass as female get a free pass? Where as XYs that don't quite fit the 'female' model that you have in your head, do they get turned away? Because like I mentioned before predators have and will continue to try to find ways to do what, I think you feel, trans women are trying to do. Firstly, trans women aren't. They're just trying to go to the bathroom. Your concern for predators being predators, I agree is a legit. That in no way justifies your conclusion that if trans women are allowed to use their preferred bathroom unencumbered, and again they already are in many cases, that it has or will lead to increased risk to XX people in womens' bathrooms/locker rooms. 

Explain to me the right to the use of one bathroom vs another or that certain people are not allowed in certain rooms that others are clearly allowed into for arbitrary reasons? Because that's what it sounds like your saying.

Is it that XY people just can't be trusted in certain or all situations and need to be confined to their own areas for the greater good? Cuz I can see you trying to make that case. 

To your last paragraph: how is that at all a thing? Where is your right to use or share a bathroom? What freedom is that? Bathrooms are provided to you by law for convenience and/or emergency. You have no right to use or have one set aside for certain people based on sex or gender. Disability, sure. But you being comfortable as has been said in many 'freedom' or 'rights' conversations is not the concern of law makers. Go to the bathroom somewhere else or just get over it. If you are actually threatened. Then you might have a case. But your fever dream of what could happen is not enough. We have the worst case scenario of the gun control debate happening in our schools DAILY and no one on the conservative side is worried about feelings or comfort, obviously. And definitely not about safety or saving lives. 

Where does personal liberty start and end with regards to who is allowed in a public bathroom? This is a solution without a stated problem other than 'it gives me the willies'. No actual cases or trends that would lead anyone to believe what you're saying is actually a problem. If you're hoping to stop this problem before it starts you are OTHERISING them and you're telling these people you do not care if they live or die. Because that's what happens to vulnerable populations when they are hung out to dry. The get hurt or they hurt them selves at an alarming rate. Look it up. I'll give you a hand, 'Results: Trans and Other students had significantly higher rates of self-harm ideation and peer self-harm, in comparison to cis-gendered students. These Trans and Other students reported significantly higher rates of bullying and self-reported depression and significantly less support from teachers and staff at school, in fact these students did not know where to go to access help.'

It doesn't stop when you leave school. I hope you know that. Especially if opinions like yours continue to be prevalent in society. 

  • Clown 1
20 hours ago, Bigbrog said:

Mic Drop Gif - IceGif

Can I ask where do you get your information on the topic of trans people? Their health concerns and needs? What their lives have been and are currently like? 

Not gotcha questions, seriously wondering. 

Because I've offered links to NIH papers and articles about how vulnerable people, especially youth, of this group are and have been. Does it bother you at all that forcing this group from being allowed into society, puts them in danger(like other groups in the past black, asian, gay)? Or do you not think the danger of bowing to their needs is greater than keeping them where they are now? 

Honestly try to answer those questions. No judgement if you don't even post them. Not interested in debating stats or anything. Just curious where you get your information. I think we've talking past each other for awhile and I'dl like to understand where you are coming from. 

  • Clown 1
20 hours ago, Scouts Honor said:

its actually very stereotypical and bigoted.

he wants us to believe he is enlightened, typing like Joey using his THEsaurus, 

but really

he is more bigoted than he claims we are 

Exactly what cowards say when they know they've lost

1 hour ago, ThreePointTakedown said:

You haven't made it clear how anyone or anything is being infringed. 

No. Again, don't talk for a group of people for which you are not 100% certain are in agreement with your statement. Using the term 'vast majority' is so broad that it might as well be useless in this situation. 

is that anything like saying...

and i quote:

This is the next arc of the argument put up by conservatives. Still the same old song and dance, 'think of the women'. Not that, I imagine, you cared much about them before. Now that you have a 'common enemy' you get behind the cause of women. Shockingly disingenuous but also not surprising. I don't have to talk about this any more. I'll just let things play out. They will go the way of my opinions. There is not doubt in my mind. Its a guarantee. So I'll just leave you to squirm and yell into the void.  

  • Bob 1
On 9/5/2024 at 1:14 PM, ThreePointTakedown said:

he more freedom that women have in a culture makes it more stable for everyone. Just ask the governments in Denmark, Norway, Switzerland, Sweden, Netherlands, Finland, Singapore, Iceland, Luxembourg, Austria, UAE, Italy, Spain, Portugal, or South Korea



There is nothing stable about this.  Unless one considers death of an ethnic and cultural as a long term state of stableness.  I guess the Neanderthals have been stable for several millenia now.



People who tolerate me on a daily basis . . . they are the real heroes.

2 hours ago, Danny Deck said:

What do you believe South Korea should do about this?

Birth more Koreans.

People who tolerate me on a daily basis . . . they are the real heroes.


The only policy about this is to reward those who give birth with money.   Make it worth while to be parents.  Lessen the cost of  birth and maintaining a child through tax incentives.  



  • Bob 1
8 hours ago, Danny Deck said:

Granted I haven't seen any country successfully bring themselves back over the replacement rate no matter what they try. 

Once a society/culture/ethnicity convinces its girls that being a mother is not the most important and precious thing in the world then it is lost.  We often talk about rights and freedom.  But responsibility is a thing.  And choosing not to have children is to choose to abdicate the responsibility to provide a stable and sustainable culture.  Outsourcing procreation is to commit societal/cultural/ethnic suicide.  There are some small minority groups of Western-Culture based people get the mix of rights and responsibilities right.  However, Isrealis and religious Westerners (the only groups currently reproducing at or above replacement rate of 2.1 births per woman) are not sufficient in number to maintain a birthrate sufficient to perpetuate Western culture.

People who tolerate me on a daily basis . . . they are the real heroes.


The inverse relationship with GDP is strong and exists in countries where women have significantly fewer rights in the Middle East as well. Maybe we should try being poorer as a country.

17 hours ago, mspart said:

The only policy about this is to reward those who give birth with money.   Make it worth while to be parents.  Lessen the cost of  birth and maintaining a child through tax incentives.  

What proposed tax incentives will make it actually affordable to have children?

I visited my grandmother last night and she gave me my grandfather's pay stub from 1973.  He made $6.43 an hour or about $13.5K annual salary.  The avg house cost $32K.  Based on inflation today his pay would be $95K and the avg house would cost $230K.  The actual average cost is $495K.

Trump's idea to create new cities with new housing and deporting the illegals would help balance the housing supply & demand, as well as increase job opportunities.  Shrink the government, shrink the taxes.  Put more money in the hands of earners.  More of this will help... 

  • Jagger 1

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