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49 minutes ago, Le duke said:

“Failing counteroffensive” tells me all I need to know about that guy and how much his opinion is worth re: war.

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Is that a code word or a dog whistle?  “Succeeding counteroffensive” doesn’t seem to fit. 

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14 hours ago, Bigbrog said:

So people are talking about X and GWN follows it with Putin praises his actions and ...amazing the lengths people will go to to try and twist crap to fit a narrative in their head.  SMH

Look back - I only posted that Putin praised Elmo's actions. Which is 100% fact. Nothing more. Putin backs Elmo.

  • he extrapolates that to mean Putin is praising his actions in regard to X
    No, you did that.
  • the lengths people will go to to try and twist crap to fit a narrative in their head
    That is you, that's your head.
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14 minutes ago, GreatWhiteNorth said:

Look back - I only posted that Putin praised Elmo's actions. Which is 100% fact. Nothing more. Putin backs Elmo.

  • he extrapolates that to mean Putin is praising his actions in regard to X
    No, you did that.
  • the lengths people will go to to try and twist crap to fit a narrative in their head
    That is you, that's your head.




Edited by ionel
  • Haha 1

BPE 10/14/24 IWB's SC

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13 hours ago, jross said:

Even bad guys can see and state the obvious 

  • Musk made the right decision regarding the Starlink controversy
  • The Trump prosecution shows rotten USA politics
  • The USA government treats other countries as second-class

What point were you making when raising Putin's comments about Musk's Starlink management... in relation to how Musk is transforming X to the middle?

  • Musk made the right decision regarding the Starlink controversy
    Maybe, maybe not. I see no need to defend one of the richest guys in the world. I do find it weird that regular people feel that need. He's rich. Rich doesn't make anyone infallible. But it does make some people idolize.
  • The Trump prosecution shows rotten USA politics.
    The Trump administration showed rotten USA politics - the prosecution is there to clean that crap up. Or not. We'll see how it goes. That's why we have the Judicial branch of government. The Constitution was well thought out.
  • The USA government treats other countries as second-class.
    Hmmm. Strange comment. What country are you referring to, exactly? And what bone do you have to pick, exactly? (Keep in mind, that it is a matter of regular discourse that some countries are considered 1st, 2nd, or 3rd world per Political Science.) Note - that this is different than calling other countries "shithole"... something that a previous president has done.

Putin is a deranged, horrible, evil leader. What he's doing is despicable, to both Ukraine and the free world.

Putin has been praising Musk all over the internet... that's the point I was making. Is that somehow confusing?

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Musk compares the request to turn on connectivity in Crimea to a "Pearl Harbor" type attack on Sebastopol, a Russian naval base in Crimea

It would be similar to Pearl Harbor if Japan had actually taken Pearl Harbor from the US and built a large military base in Hawaii. Then the US mounted a counter offensive to blow that base to kingdom come and take Hawaii back.

That would be a good comparison.

Otherwise, it's super weak. Bordering on BS. 

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9 hours ago, Plasmodium said:

I can't imagine Toyota remotely shutting off their trucks  because the CEO's friend doesn't like duck hunting or driving drones around to spy on Russians.

Strike 1: Starlink had never been activated over Crimea because of U.S. sanctions on Russia.  It was not 'shut off.'

Strike 2: Ukraine asked Elon to activate the net over Crimea to launch an attack on Russia.  This was not the USA government.

Strike 3: Duck hunting is not war

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8 hours ago, GreatWhiteNorth said:
  • The Trump prosecution shows rotten USA politics.
    The Trump administration showed rotten USA politics - the prosecution is there to clean that crap up. Or not. We'll see how it goes. That's why we have the Judicial branch of government. The Constitution was well thought out.

The prosecution can go after any citizen they want and raise hundreds of charges against them.  Can you not see WTF is going on here with the zealot focus on the orange man? 

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9 hours ago, GreatWhiteNorth said:
  • What country are you referring to, exactly? And what bone do you have to pick, exactly? 

Like all countries? The USA considers itself the most exceptional country in the world.  This is how my school educated me.

I am referring to Putin's comments that the United States considered itself "God's emissary on Earth"

Now read this with an open mind.  US Hegemony and Its Perils

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c'mon Jross, everyone that's not a lapdog to the batshit insane Democratic party is evil.
also this: do you morons not see what's going on here? 
i'd love for one of you lefty scholars to explain it to me. 

Tell me what is going on here.

You’re so well educated on everything, oh Brain, so you surely know.

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Is that a code word or a dog whistle?  “Succeeding counteroffensive” doesn’t seem to fit. 

Code word? Dog whistle?

If one achieves tactical and operational goals, such as penetrating and breaching a heavily fortified mine-wire trench obstacle (while massing counter battery fire on their one remaining true strength that supports it: pre-registered artillery) I would call that success.

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2 minutes ago, Le duke said:


Code word? Dog whistle?

If one achieves tactical and operational goals, such as penetrating and breaching a heavily fortified mine-wire trench obstacle (while massing counter battery fire on their one remaining true strength that supports it: pre-registered artillery) I would call that success.

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But then you have to bury your dead. 

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But then you have to bury your dead. 

If they prevent Russia from adding to the tally of 700,000 kids they’ve stolen (by their own admission, mind you), I’m guessing the fighting men and women of Ukraine will bear that burden.


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13 hours ago, jross said:

Why did you attack the guy because of Putin's comments?   The Starlink/Crimea decision was the correct call for multiple reasons.

Except that I didn't "attack the guy." I pointed out that Putin praised him.

I could have a decent conversation with you, but it can't happen when you start the discussion with a lie.

(Look back, the posts are locked in - there's no gray area, it's all there.)

Edited by GreatWhiteNorth
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13 hours ago, jross said:

The prosecution can go after any citizen they want and raise hundreds of charges against them.  Can you not see WTF is going on here with the zealot focus on the orange man? 

I don't see your point, at all.

Our system of law includes lawyers bringing charges against citizens that they believe, and have evidence that, they have broken the law. (That should be obvious - but I'll state it to help you out.)

What happens next is that the judicial system is activated to determine the validity of the charges and any next steps.

That is how it works, and how it has worked since our great country has existed.

What don't you respect about our country, our Constitution, or our judicial system?

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13 hours ago, jross said:

Did the previous president tell a lie, or was it a relatively accurate label?

You posted a concern that "The USA government treats other countries as second-class."

That was your post, not mine. 

It is VERY strange that you now flip-flop and try to justify the previous president's treatment as somehow "relatively accurate".

Make up your mind. (Preferably before you post.)

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13 hours ago, jross said:

Like all countries? The USA considers itself the most exceptional country in the world.  This is how my school educated me.

I am referring to Putin's comments that the United States considered itself "God's emissary on Earth"

Now read this with an open mind.  US Hegemony and Its Perils

The USA is the most exceptional country in the world. Without any doubt.

Anything else you posted after that is blah-blah, pro-Putin BS. It is cringe-worthy that you even reference Putin.

As I've already posted - "Putin is a deranged, horrible, evil leader. What he's doing is despicable"

Take that crap somewhere else.

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14 hours ago, Offthemat said:

Copyright©1998-2014, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the People's Republic of China

Which reported facts about the USA can be proven false? 

There is something to be learned there; it isn't bullshit.  At the same time, yes this is written by China... and the obvious lie is that "China opposes all forms of hegemonism and power politics, and rejects interference in other countries' internal affairs."

I love the USA but try not to only eat the shit the USA news feeds us. 

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11 hours ago, GreatWhiteNorth said:

Except that I didn't "attack the guy." I pointed out that Putin praised him.

Why did you point out that Putin praised Musk? 


Putin is praising his actions... soooo...

Soooo... will you clarify your intention behind this?


Your response appears to stem from my repetition that X is better, along with a quote from Musk regarding his intentions. MSPART mentioned feeling positively about X if Musk's statements are true. In response, you brought up Putin's praise of Musk (specifically, Starlink).

Later, you state there is no need to defend a wealthy individual like Musk and comment on the weirdness of idolizing him. These remarks are unusual and suggest that your initial comments were meant to undermine Musk. The topic here is X being better than Twitter. Yet, you've brought up unrelated stuff, like the discussion about Starlink, creating an enigmatic connection to Musk (for X). You assert that this was not an 'attack,' but rather a 'fact.' Will you be more clear in your communication and avoid ambiguity to convey your points?

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