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Oh Canada


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I stopped watching Intl Basketball in 1972 when the USA was robbed.   It was an absolute joke of officiating.   It was like the governor election here in WA where the R won in 3 vote counts but on the third recount, the D won and that ended the game.    Same trick used in that Olympic game.   Haven't cared about it since then and even more so with NBA players playing.  


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1 hour ago, nhs67 said:

Not going to read six pages of shit, but did everyone see North Montana beat the piss out of USA for Bronze at FIBA?

We aren't even the best in North America at a game we invented.

Technically James Naismith was a Canadian - American....

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6 minutes ago, ionel said:

What?!  Then why is there a North Dakota? Where do those southern folks call home?

There is a West Virginia and no other directional Virginia...

The southern folks simply call Montana their home.

"I know actually nothing.  It isn't even conjecture at this point." - me



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3 hours ago, Offthemat said:

That figures. 

You either can't grasp anything, or you just thrive on continual anger.  

It was a friendly reply to a funny cartoon. 

Owner of over two decades of the most dangerous words on the internet!  In fact, during the short life of this forum, me's culture has been cancelled three times on this very site!

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