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Another Round Of Trying To Forgive Loans


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1 hour ago, mspart said:

Seattle -

1.  allowing open hard drug usage and possession.

2.  Not enforcing defacement laws

3.  Allowing CHAZ/CHOP to exist.

4.  Allowing the east precinct (in CHAZ/CHOP) to be ransacked and shut down.

5.   Passing a law to not follow State Law drug policy - no prosecution of drug offenses.  

6.  Allowing shoplifting if it is under $900. 

7.  Allowing criminals to use guns in criminal enterprises and when caught throw out the gun charges.

8.  Setting up safe drug usage zones.

9.  Fix all that by cleaning up around the ball park for the ALL STAR GAME.   People were amazed at no poop or pee on the sidewalks, been a long time since they were last clean.  

10.  Now we'll see if the city council has the drive to keep the city clean.  

There's a few for you.




Seattle is hell on earth.  How can anyone live there?  How do you do it?

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26 minutes ago, Scouts Honor said:
According to the U.S. Census Bureau, Seattle has the second-highest percentage of people considering or planning to move away. Over the next 12 months, census workers report that 171,000 households will leave King County.May 12, 2023

Not surprising.  They are gonna make bank!

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50 minutes ago, Scouts Honor said:
According to the U.S. Census Bureau, Seattle has the second-highest percentage of people considering or planning to move away. Over the next 12 months, census workers report that 171,000 households will leave King County.May 12, 2023

Maybe the housing prices will drop enough for all the homeless… er unhoused neighbors to afford homes, because we all know the main reason people are homeless is because the lack of affordable housing, not addiction, mental illness and/or the desire to live such a “lifestyle”. 

Edited by DJT
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well, you know... the only thing the leftist rag actually uses to decide who is the worst 10 is the policies about inclusitivity.

so yeah.

i mean, even the aclu gave  a travel warning about florida and they still had gays days without any problems 

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2 hours ago, Plasmodium said:

That criteria is laughable at best. How about when you factor in housing affordability, cost of living, homelessness, community involvement, job availability/ unemployment, tax rates, etc. 

Texas and Florida are on the top of the list for net positive domestic migration (The only state on your list with a net negative domestic migration in 2022 is Louisiana), so it’s strikes me odd that so many people are moving to these terrible places in droves. I’ll let you guess which states were on the bottom of the migration list. It’s a safe bet they scored pretty well on your “best places to live” list.


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1 hour ago, Husker_Du said:

how can you say this after disagreeing so vehemently about my previous posts? 

Tongue in cheek.

As an aside, I checked some crime stats.  Denver - where I live - is worse than Seattle and Portland.  FWIW, the mile high city is very livable.

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18 minutes ago, Plasmodium said:

Tongue in cheek.

As an aside, I checked some crime stats.  Denver - where I live - is worse than Seattle and Portland.  FWIW, the mile high city is very livable.

Well, when you basically legalize various forms of crime, crime stats no longer hold much weight. If you know nothing will happen to the offender, why would you even bother reporting it? Just to piss them off?

Edited by DJT
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3 minutes ago, DJT said:

Well, when you basically legalize various forms of crime, crime stats no longer hold much weight. If you know nothing will happen to the offender, why would you even bother reporting it?

My point is Denver is in the same boat and it remains a beautiful place to live.

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1 minute ago, Ohio Elite said:

Beautiful yes, but a bigger shithole than Columbus Ohio for sure. Lived in Fort Collins for 2 years, moved back 2 years ago.

To be fair, every city has great areas to live, no matter how bad a rap the city as a whole has. The problem is when the “bad” areas begin encroaching on the “good” areas, whether through mandatory affordable housing units or the bad actors from bad areas using the good areas to hunt for victims… seeing a lot of that in Chicago right now with spree armed robberies and car jackings.

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  • 5 months later...

This just cam across my email:

The U.S. Department of Education reported that nearly 9 million (roughly 40%) of the 22 million borrowers with a student loan payment due in October 2023 missed their payment, according to CNN. October marked the first month that student loan payments were required following a pandemic-era pause. For comparison, fewer than 26% of borrowers missed their payment in October 2019, before the pause went into effect. Missed payments will not be reported as delinquent or in default to the three national credit bureaus through September 2024, but interest will continue to accrue on the debt. Data from the Federal Reserve Bank of New York revealed that student loan balances totaled $1.6 trillion at the end of Q3’23.

I am not sure how to interpret this. It could be an adjustment to having to pay again, and the delinquency rate will shrink back to its baseline as people re-establish habits. Or it could be a form of protest (not a good one, mind you). Or it could be a sign of generational economic stress.

Drowning in data, but thirsting for knowledge

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On 7/18/2023 at 7:58 PM, Plasmodium said:

@mspart - we have touched on the down side of Seattle.  What is up with the demand?  Why do people pay and tolerate so much to live there?

The upside is that Microsoft, Amazon, Facebook, and Boeing are in the Seattle Area.   At least Facebook has a presence.   But as you know, Boeing has outsourced production to S Carolina, Amazon famously had a new HQ competition.   So Seattle and WA are not all that great. 

With the rising incomes from people working at these places, due to the laws of economics, everything else is rising in cost.   More money to throw around = higher costs.   Same as inflation causes higher costs.  

Another upside is the natural beauty of the area (aside from the homeless camps and graffiti all around in Seattle.   They used to call  Seattle the Emerald City.   No longer.   Fortunately, Seattle City Council is no longer majority nut job.   Only one nut job left after the last election.   Unfortunately, one of those nut jobs is now on the King County Council.   Kshama Sawant, the local socialist agitator city council member decided not to run for reelection, knowing she would lose (she just barely survived a recall election 2 years ago) is now out.   Thank goodness.  

Another upside is the Cascade range with unlimited hiking, lakes, fishing, volcanos, and sheer beauty.   It is a blessed area that has been ruined by political leftists.  Jay Inslee, Gov of WA for the last 11 years has overseen the de certification of the only mental hospital in the state, has overseen the state ferry system collapse under the weight of his mismanagement to the tune of 13 of 21 ferry boats are operational.   That's right, 8 boats are currently unusable.    There are currently 6 initiatives that have enough signatures to get on the Nov 2024 ballot and they are:

1.  No state, county, city, village, outpost income tax.

2.  Get rid of the Capital Gains tax that is actually illegal per the WA state Constitution.   The WA SC decided that Capital Gains are not income and therefore property and that it can be taxed.   The WA Constitution says property, tangible or intangible, must be taxed at the same rate.   Hence we have no income tax because it cannot be graduated.  The WA SC decision necessitated both items 1 and 2. 

3.  Reinstate police pursuit.   Currently a car can crash into a store, steal goods, and leave and the cops cannot pursue because they are not an imminent threat.   Crazy right?   There is a case where this happened and the cops showed up and they bad guys crashed their car into the police car  and got away because the cops couldn't pursue.  https://komonews.com/news/local/washington-state-police-pursuit-law-chase-car-vehicle-seattle-shoreline-crime-crisis-initiative-i-2113-legislature-legislation-jay-inslee-sheriffs-deputies-troopers-freeway-dangerous-violent-burglary-smash-and-grab

Last month, Dunn Lumber was the victim of a smash-and-grab — one of a tremendous number of businesses in the region that have been crashed into this year.

Criminals used a vehicle and backed it right through the front doors before swiping merchandise and running off.

Surveillance video provided by business president Mike Dunn shows a coordinated effort involving multiple people. Then it shows two vehicles speeding off, one of which sideswipes a police car.

Dunn said the criminals got away, were not caught and that’s why he wants the pursuit law changed.

“The police let them go because of the no-pursuit law,” Dunn said. “What if there’d been people here? We have night crews. What if they’d been in there?

“Obviously the current policies are not working for protecting people’s property."

Dunn estimated the criminals caused more than $100,000 of damage.

4.  Repeal the carbon tax - This carbon tax has raised gas prices to almost the highest in the nation.  It is a dollar more than in Idaho and Oregon, our two closest neighbors.   The carbon tax obviously raises the cost to purchase anything because it is all hauled by truck, car or train.   All use carbon based fuels.  Cost for heating homes has gone up too because of this.   Twice in the last 4-6 years WA state said no to carbon tax in referendums and the Ds ignored them. 

5.  Make it mandatory that parents see what is being taught in school.   This stems from the state having a law which allows them to harbor children, not tell parents where they are, if the child says they want to change gender.   And all the stuff in the schools that support that.   In fact, there was/is a state survey in schools asking kids when they first became sexually active, what gender they were assigned at birth, etc.   That is wrong and parents should know what is being taught and presented to their kids in the schools. 

6.   Opt out of the mandatory state long term care tax.   The state instituted a tax to pay for long term care for everyone.  It pays 36K max and can only be used in state.   No retiring and moving out of state.   It is a mandatory W-2 tax on everyone that gets a W-2.   The initiative will allow people to opt out of it.  This provides minimal coverage as long as you live in WA and is mandatory.   Unlike a pension or SS, you cannot move out of state and still get the benefit.  

I helped gather signatures for these and signed them.    Needed was 325K sigs.   The sig count was 425K - 465K for the 6 initiatives.   And signatures came from across the board.   Dems in Legislature don't know how to react.   I guess we'll see which ones pass.  I hope all 6 do. 

Anytime you get one party rule, you get chaos.   You need healthy opposition to steer the ship of government to keep it on the straight and narrow.  This is why split government is good.  


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