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Everything posted by WrestlingRasta

  1. Now we’re getting into some substance. I like it.
  2. My point is, guys like you and I have absolutely no idea what it takes to administer a presidential election.....state by state......I have to think it's a lot more complex than we imagine. It's real easy to sit on our couch and say I don't like it, change it, it can't be hard.
  3. Not all 50 states are the same. Huge huge variances. I'm sure in those 25 years you also learned that what works in some sports, didn't work in others.
  4. One noticeable difference in what was going on around the country between 2016 and 2020...you may have noticed. Sometimes I think Sean Hannity has an account here...
  5. 2020 saw, by far, a larger total turnout and larger % of eligible voters than any previous election. (30.4 million total voters and 9% higher eligible than when Obama was re-elected for example) It's almost as if there was someone motivating those to turn out.
  6. Similar to my memphis, it's electric but not digital. Has a tray, not auto feed. I get big wood chunks then break them down into smaller pieces. Thinking of trying for that point this weekend to cook offset in the coal grill with some lump and wood, and run some smoke in from the smoke chamber as well. Haven't tried that yet.
  7. By finished up the night of election, I think you mean called. It's more common for states to be called before all ballots are counted, than not. That's why there's a part of the process in December to certify each state, and then the ceremonial step in January to verify each state.
  8. So I don't understand that. A growing nation more and more voters (over 150 million for president in '20 and there were many like me who voted on that ballot but not for president). Next morning or not at all is a pretty tough ask for something so important and needing to be as precise as possible. I get wanting to do it timely, I'm completely with you. But do we want it as fast as possible, or as accurate as possible, and ensuring everyone has a vote counted (as long as they voted correctly).
  9. Yeah I was being a smartass, I clarified below if you didn't see.
  10. Hurricane damage is an issue too. Sister in law has panels get hit and she’s having a problem settling that. Don’t really know the details just know it’s an issue for her.
  11. Honestly don’t know exactly, other than a process that goes through courts then back to the states election officials. Kinda like the paper chad recount in Florida.
  12. It would have started in the same way MAGA tried to start it…through the courts. Then they got shot down 62 times, plus by a whole bunch of secretaries of state….so they went to other ‘processes’ (allegedly)
  13. It was investigated. But they key part of your sentence is “what we were shown”. They showed us Ruby Freeman too, but….
  14. I've thought about getting a probe for big cuts like brisket and pork butt. Probably could have used one yesterday, overshot it just a tad.
  15. Yes PA was one of the states they were going to try to flip.
  16. You start by blindly spewing whatever misinformation the media is trying to throw at you. The Desantis solar power story is from April of 2022 (but I can see why MAGA is bringing it up now). The bill was passed by both the republican house and senate, but vetoed by Desantis. The bill was intended to eliminate net metering, which allows solar customers money back from power that comes from their rooftop solar panels.
  17. Yes in December there was a late night meeting somewhere in the WH. Cippolone (who was WH counsel) found out about it and found out there were 'advisors' in there that shouldn't be (Clark, Eastman, etc). They proposed ousting the current AG and duputy (I believe I would have to go back and look at that to confirm) and enter Jeffery Clark as acting. Clark would then send a letter (that was already drafted at this meeting) to identified states saying the DOJ has found tons of irregularities and those states should send alternate electors. Cippolone came in and started raging, (this is when he told Trump you do this and its a 'murder suicide pact') and pretty much everyone in the DOJ said they would resign if he went through with it. This got him to turn it away. (Most of this according to Cippolone, Donoghue, Rosen, Philbin)
  18. He didn't say who 'they' were, but I have to imagine it would have been those involved in the 'murder/suicide pact' deal they were trying to make (where they were going to replace the AG with Jeffery Clark so that they could say there were problems with the voting) that Cippollone was referring to: Eastman, Clark, Powell, Guilliani.... Again to reiterate, the charges have nothing to do with the violence at the capitol.
  19. I'm a weirdo in that I like managing the cook, even in this summer Florida heat. I can't imagine putting a slab of meat on at nighttime and then going to bed. For me that's part of the fun (and therapeutic). Don't really use probes either....look, touch, and feel.
  20. John Eastman admitted in a television interview this weekend: yes they were trying to overthrow the governement. He then tried to legally justify through the Declaration of Independence because the "suffering and abuses becomes so intoolerable that it is our duty to abolish the existing gov't".
  21. Ended up just doing the flat into some bbq slices. Saving the point for next weekend and some street tacos…
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