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Everything posted by WrestlingRasta

  1. Smoking tubes aren’t intended to replicate slow cook smokers. They’re intended to add a little bit of smoke to shorter cooks.
  2. Today’s update: in response to these posts, DOJ requested a protective order from the judge, and judge set a deadline of Monday for Trump to respond. Trump asked for a delay, judge said no, Trump went on his own ‘Twitter’ and ripped off about the judge. It’s quite possible he could end up in jail before any trial/deal….
  3. Old pirates yes they rob I, Sold I to the merchant ships. Celebrate my friends. RRRRRRASTAFARI!
  4. More so than everyone have the opportunity to see it for themselves, instead of hearing about it from Benny Johnson or JoJo? How about CCTV on the DOJ YouTube channel?
  5. Mike Ross is a certified badass
  6. I’ll be sure to evaluate the trial when it takes place. It hasn’t, so for now can only evaluate what has been presented. If you can find somewhere on here where I’ve said he’s for sure guilty, I’ll wait to read it.
  7. You’re free to pick your side (whatever it is you’re talking about) when you’re doing your thing. And it will be good no matter what grade it is.
  8. You say ‘left out’ as if it’s supposed to be in the indictment. Yes, we will see what comes out at trial, you’re not saying anything I haven’t said numerous times.
  9. Betsy’s gonna get a little trim, take a nice long bath, and has reservations in the Pit at 5am
  10. They may have said that on TV, but apparently not under oath. I can’t imagine prosecutors would list them as witnesses because under oath out from the view from cameras they said that ‘he did nothing wrong’ Good thing to hang your hat on though.
  11. Good. Kill two birds with one stone. Annihilate the media, and put a wanna be dictator away for good. (I just had to throw that last one in there to push some buttons )
  12. I like that he (this quote being an exception) is at least bringing specifics and plans on how he would implement things, it’s not only attacks on the other side. Can’t say agree with all his ideas, but I like that he has plans instead of just grievances.
  13. Only problem with that bit of wishful thinking….Trump is part of the ‘he said’ (you forgot, they have recordings)
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