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Everything posted by WrestlingRasta

  1. You seem to brush it off and be okay with that. Wow. Disappointing.
  2. related to the last two letters in the last name of more and more athletes representing France.
  3. If they are sponsored/part of the Russian military, I agree with you. If they are not, the athletes should not be punished, particularly in a venue promoting peace and goodwill. The vast majority of Russian are not in favor of how their government operates.
  4. France has steadily been building a roster full of ev’s and ov’s over the last few years.
  5. It’s a surf and turf Hump day…
  6. They both got an awful lot of attention, which is part of the purpose of protest. Another part is breaking some eggs to make an omelette.
  7. He’s getting a lot of play lately
  8. Yeah, can agree to not necessarily like the call, but more so I see three different things she could have done at the end, any one of the three finishes off the match. So that said I’m not going to put the loss on a correct call at maybe a bad time. Feel very confident that everyone who is up in arms, if it was precisely reversed and she won in that manner, it would be absolutely deserved and we’re glad they went to review to get it right. (Many may not admit it but it’s the truth)
  9. That is not all you hear, at all. What you hear are people whose job it actually is to investigate these things is they did not find level of fraud that would change the results of the election. There’s fraud by both parties committed in every election. Anyone with any level of sense knows that. Not to mention it’s just amazing to me that MAGA keeps crying about a stolen election.
  10. Unfortunately for Mr. Trump, the Jan6 speech and 'beliefs' are completely irrelevant to all 91 of the felony charges against him. They are going to have to come up with a better defense.
  11. They challenged for fleeing hold on that last five seconds. Tough way to make that kind of call......but she was on her bicycle.
  12. Yeah she did say intends to try all together.
  13. Someone say bud?? Seriously, putting Mess in right off the bat over two world and NCAA champs.....that's puttin your balls out there...
  14. Got to thinking it’s extremely possible this is correct, he doesn’t go to jail pending trial, but what about Rudy, Meadows, Powell, Eastman….some of those with multiple serious charges, but not running for president?
  15. Except that there’s plenty of evidence that shows he knows he lost legitimately. And even if you “100% believe it”, it is still against the law to attempt to threaten public officials, to attempt to steal and break into voting machines, to……well a number of things he’s accused of doing. So no what he believes is not at all what matters. The law doesn’t have exclusions for stupidity.
  16. This is very common in Iran and the Stans.
  17. Meadows requesting (expecting to be just the first) to have his case moved out of GA and into federal court, claiming he was acting out his duties as chief of staff. Some of the people I've listened to/read are saying he may have a shot because the COS serves at the pleasure of the president, but that the other 18 defendants don't really have much of a chance should they move for the same.
  18. Ben Shapiro literally wrote a book on why Obama should be charged under RICO. But of course his stance here is ‘regardless of what you think of the evidence’ this is all about charging a political opponent and should never happen. But here’s the thing about “election interference”….all of this has zero impact on yours and my right to vote for Trump, whether he’s in Mar-a-lago or Danbury.
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