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Everything posted by WrestlingRasta

  1. I can see Scott gaining some ground once the fever breaks.
  2. No clue, and time will tell how good these predictions will turn out.
  3. Valid as well. BUT...when you imagine jury being sequestered, and instead of reading all of the social media bits and seeing the video clips of this segment or that segment.......you are fed a strict diet, for months, of nothing but facts, evidence, and testimony. For awhile I thought getting a conviction on him would be near impossible. Now.... not so sure.
  4. Valid points, in general feel the same way about everything you said, but I think there are a couple things, one being that this DA doesn't seem to care about the campaign impacts, the federal prosecutors are certainly sensitive to it, but this DA, and this jurisdiction, seem to have no problem with it. Doesn't erase the challenges to holding him, I just feel like they may be a little more intent. Combined with.......I don't think he's going to leave them much choice. But that's all really just opinion and not so much wishful thinking. Now, my third paragraph, particularly the second half of it, definitely opinion and wishful thinking.
  5. Georgia indictment is a complete game changer, in my opinion. A very large portion of the evidence in the indictment is either the documented writings and filings, and recorded voices, of those accused in the indictments, and in RICO all are accountable for each other's actions. But here is why it is a game changer, much bigger than those in DC, NY, and FL... *Out on bail: I think it is very very likely he will be going to jail pending trial. For a couple reasons: 1) in order to be released on bail in this GA RICO case he will have to prove that he will not try to influence or intimidate witnesses, or officers of the court. He also has to prove he is not a flight risk, which, would be very hard for him to prove, but the judge wouldn't have to even go that far, because he has spent the last two weeks intimidating, influencing, and harassing officers, judges, and potential witnesses. It's all there in his written word. 2) He has been going off consistently on the DC judge the last few days, which could get his DC bail revoked in of itself, but also has went off specifically on the Atlanta DA. They will almost certainly bring up recent instances of his supporters threatening various officers involved in these cases when it comes to bail in GA. If he goes to jail pending trial, that's it. He's in jail for the rest of his life (in my opinion). I believe he will be convicted, and we will never have another Trump social media post, and his campaign will go to shit. He will still have his MAGA constituents out there pushing more things telling MAGA followers how they are supposed to think, but slowly it will start to erode away as all of this evidence will start to flood the webs and airwaves, replacing the constant Trump watch on what's he going to say next. The fever will break, and by the time we are in the heat of primary season, Republicans will finally be serious about another candidate. I think for the first time I feel like November 2024 is not going to be Biden vs Trump. Republicans will have a different candidate (here's to hoping Democrats do to). The evidence in this indictment is as solid, if not more, than the other cases. There's even a document from before the election, stating the plan to call victory early and start claiming fraud. The filings and statements to state officials are part of record and going to be pretty hard to break. And lastly, if convicted, no President would be able to pardon him. I seriously wonder if he makes it to trial. Side note-- the way this indictment is laid out provides for a tremendous amount of irony. Rudy, in taking down the mob back in the 80's, basically wrote the blue print for this RICO case. And as such you are going to see a very similar scene as that of those mob trials. A prosecution team of a handful of individuals on one side, and a large amount of defendants and lawyers together on the other side. Difference is Rudy will be on the other end of this one.
  6. GA grand jury has returned ten indictments (being reported). All names not yet released. Interesting side note, for RICO charges in GA, being awarded bail comes with the burden on the defendant to prove he/she is not a flight risk nor prone to intimidation or witness tampering. If defendant cannot prove this they will be held in custody until trial. Ruh-roh
  7. 12 hour brisket street tacos. Hot damn those were good.
  8. Wow. You guys are like…out there. No matter what, when it’s right there staring at you, no screaming at you, you’re still there. HUNTER HUNTER…UKRAINE…DEEP STATE!! MAGA!! Let’s reel it back a second. Topic of discussion here is upcoming indictment in…wait for it….Georgia. (Tip for you maga folks, that’s the state of Georgia, not the former communist republic of the Soviet Union). The investigation is related to Georgia and the election in Georgia in 2020. You may remember a particular phone call to a particular GA official…. Wait, it all makes sense now. I see why y’all are confused. Hannity and Tucker probably didn’t want to talk about that phone call too much. BUT—you’re in luck. There’s a recording. And it’s Public. You can listen to Trumps own voice with your own ears. You don’t have to worry about having Hannity tell you what to think!!! THAT phone call.
  9. Stop and think about that for a second. Where is this upcoming indictment, what state?
  10. table top style. You can still t-off with Basch every once in a while…
  11. You can do all that shit in the oven and it’s going to be good. Ribs in the oven are pretty good.
  12. Someone was writing up the draft and forgot to make sure it wasn’t live before they hit that close button. Woops. (and someone is probably packing up their desk right about now)
  13. Who said anything about undies in a bunch, Trump, or TDS? You asked a question of Charlie Kirk, I gave an opinion of Charlie Kirk. Why for some people does everything relate back to Trump somehow?
  14. Anything that needs to break down (ribs, butt, brisket, etc) I like to keep hovering around 200-225. Full rack of beef ribs probably 6-7 hours. Don’t pay attention to GWN. He seems to feel like he’s king of all things. Good bbqin’ is all about finding your best way, not what someone wants to tell you your way to be.
  15. He lies almost as often as he breathes, and he doesn’t have any room at all for any version of America other than his version of America. In one of these threads Husker says about some Kirk posted that he (Husker) didn’t look into and took Charlie’s post at face value, and “my bad”. Always check on something Kirk is saying before believing it.
  16. Finally found my on point method for brisket. Best one I’ve done.
  17. Coming out of a little stall. Last spritz before the wrap.
  18. MAGA is truly entertaining. Y’all were clamoring for Weiss to be made special counsel….to the tune of more than 30 plus republicans senators signing a document imploring him to do so. Now that Garland gives him that status it’s all part of the cover up. Some of the posts on here read like copy and paste from Charlie Kirk, Benny Johnson and Truth social. Enlightening! MAGA!!!
  19. Comer now making the rounds saying that the assignment of a Trump appointed special counsel onto Hunter is the DOJ's effort to cover it all up. You can't make this shit up. And people actually take these folks seriously. And with that, I'm off for the weekend. Have a great one fellas.
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