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Everything posted by WrestlingRasta

  1. Chuck roast is a great piece of meat for the smoker…agree with all Gus said. Some folks like poor man’s burnt endz just as much if not more than the original.
  2. I’ve have been requested for shredded chicken tomorrow. I’ve never done beer can chicken. Figured perfect opportunity to explore. Any of our wrestling brethren have experience to share, before I go searching those other humans??
  3. There’s a flavor piece to wrapping as well. I’m a big fan of black cherry/cranberry juice for soaking, spritzing, and pouring over butcher paper wrapped big cuts, with a long rest afterward.
  4. Honestly I don’t think I ever cook without wrapping. Even quick sear steaks I let rest wrapped.
  5. Nope. But I did stay at a holiday inn express.
  6. Get a little crazy this morning after being cooped up in the house. So in honor of 45, we’re gonna smoke Stormy Daniels’ vagina…
  7. I’ve never used a pellet grill so can’t really compare. In my unit the smoker (electric oven but not digital) is at the bottom, but for long smokes like butt and brisket, I cook in the charcoal pit and and run additional smoke up from the smoker. Smoker takes chips, but I like using bigger chunks in the charcoal pit. Gets a better bark.
  8. A little hurricane prep last weekend…
  9. Intermat just lost a subscriber. Unbelievable douchebag. Can’t support this in any way.
  10. I’m just going by what the man said in his own writings. You can try to formulate things to your own liking, its okay, it’s your right.
  11. I said the courts did. Keep it straight
  12. You forgot the courts. The judges, juries, those people. They too felt it rose to the level of sedition. (Wonder why you left that out) You might have missed (or you just again conveniently left out) that little bit of evidence….that came out in the court law (I know, those pesky courts again) where he sent messages (off camera of course) talking about his despise for Trump. Now, I guess you’d have to think Tucker was of some high moral character, and wouldn’t do whatever he could for money….but I’m sure Plas is just missin something.
  13. This here is definitely a time to laugh.. MAGA!! https://www.meidastouch.com/news/rich-men-north-of-richmond-singer-to-gop-stop-using-me-for-politics
  14. It’s not a day to celebrate. Having a former president turn on his country is nothing at all to celebrate. We can certainly be in favor of accountability, but I don’t think this is a celebratory event.
  15. Interesting. Not seeing any of this from the demo commentary. We'll see what happens.
  16. Have a great day. Let us know how that picture looks when you get it framed and hung. MAGA!!
  17. Exactly, I brought up there has been zero looking into it, by the people responsible for looking into those kinds of things, because they're too hung up on watching porn. So you're answer to that is for me to explain why MSB gave him 2 billion??? Makes sense. Go fish in some other pond.
  18. So......you want me to explain why he got 2 billion, is that right?
  19. What precisely would you like for me to provide for you?
  20. He put on makeup for his mugshot! That’s awesome.
  21. the enlightened one over here. Easy, you got a little ‘GOAT milk’ on your chin. Better grab a tissue.
  22. Do I think Biden is squeaky clean? Of course not. Do I think he’s any more corrupt than any other hundreds of people in Washington they could decide to take at least a tiny peek into (Kushner and 2 billion from the Saudi’s anyone?) No. Don’t mistake my opinion that these MAGA nuts are a one trick pony that is not only a complete waste of time but also more dangerous to the US than anything else going…..as a favorable opinion of Biden.
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