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Everything posted by WrestlingRasta

  1. Free overnight deliveries on quantities of 5 or more. (I actually used to do that shit as a side hustle)
  2. Tonight we went with my Denver steak and blue cheese salad.
  3. I’m in Cape Coral, which has over 400 miles of canals running throughout the city (largest canal system in the world). Some lead to the gulf (or pine island sound to be exact), some are landlocked, and some lead to the Caloosahatchee River. The C river runs inland to Lake Okachobee, which then has another river running out the other side and to the east coast….giving is the Intercoastal Waterway
  4. Chicken lollipops and bacon/spinach Mac n cheese
  5. I ditto this. If you keep it a low temp (220 max) you're going to be okay, it's nice meat you can do a lot of things with. Smoking at 250 or so you're going to be at a big risk of losing it. Resting time is a big deal as well with all the fattines in a chuck. Resting is underestimated a good bit.
  6. It’s not about time, every cut and every cook is a little different. It’s about internal temp. To get there depends on how big and thick the cut is. And please, can you leave the nonsense to the other threads.
  7. As a Gator fan, that is my annual joke for Tennessee week...
  8. I’ve stayed away from these pages for a bit and….man…..I need a rasta spliff after reading this!
  9. Took me a minute to figure those huge variances in temp, I’m assuming that’s when you open to baste? Sorry if seems stupid, just never seen something like that.
  10. @Wrestleknownothing what am I looking at here?
  11. Boats are easy easy easy to buy cheap, play around for awhile, and sell at a profit.
  12. Looks pretty freaking tasty WKN. And those potatoes!
  13. Ended up going with just a little bit more than the beer can chicken…
  14. You can milk pretty much anything with a nipple
  15. Chuck roast is a great piece of meat for the smoker…agree with all Gus said. Some folks like poor man’s burnt endz just as much if not more than the original.
  16. I’ve have been requested for shredded chicken tomorrow. I’ve never done beer can chicken. Figured perfect opportunity to explore. Any of our wrestling brethren have experience to share, before I go searching those other humans??
  17. There’s a flavor piece to wrapping as well. I’m a big fan of black cherry/cranberry juice for soaking, spritzing, and pouring over butcher paper wrapped big cuts, with a long rest afterward.
  18. Honestly I don’t think I ever cook without wrapping. Even quick sear steaks I let rest wrapped.
  19. Nope. But I did stay at a holiday inn express.
  20. Get a little crazy this morning after being cooped up in the house. So in honor of 45, we’re gonna smoke Stormy Daniels’ vagina…
  21. I’ve never used a pellet grill so can’t really compare. In my unit the smoker (electric oven but not digital) is at the bottom, but for long smokes like butt and brisket, I cook in the charcoal pit and and run additional smoke up from the smoker. Smoker takes chips, but I like using bigger chunks in the charcoal pit. Gets a better bark.
  22. A little hurricane prep last weekend…
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