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Everything posted by WrestlingRasta

  1. Would have to look a lot more into it, but if it’s true what he says about “suspected”…..don’t like that part at all. If there is evidence and they are illegal…different story.
  2. Which is why it's certainly reasonable to judge each scenario on its own merits, and not blanket one action for every scenario.
  3. Is the Colorado Supreme Court decision on the 14th? This is not me ‘giggling’ here, serious question/discussion. It’s putting the ball in SCOTUS’ court to say Colorado you were wrong. Either way they decide is huge. If they decide Colorado wasn’t wrong, then that’s game over as far as his election run is concerned. If they go against Colorado, it doesn’t make it game over the other way but it will certainly add to his charge. So the Supreme Court is set to decide A) if he is immune from charges and B) is fit to hold office again.
  4. So I’m seriously curious, how they get that number processed, verified, and all of that to the point it’s accurate public knowledge to be posted in chat rooms by 7:00pm eastern time? The way I framed that may sound like I’m being sarcastic, but I’m truly curious about that.
  5. Is that….a report that today 12.5k people crossed, or there was a report made today that (at some point) 12.5k people crossed?
  6. Having a legal obligation does not mean automatic prosecution if in violation of that obligation. Contracts are legal bindings. Every breach of contract is not a means for prosecution. In this instance this individual entered into a contract, where he was payed by the people of that community in exchange for the specific obligation of protecting their children. it’s seems like violating that contract with the public in such a horrific and impactful way should have some legal remedy.
  7. Particularly an SRO who's position is specific to protect and serve the school staff and children. If that were not the case, there would not be an elevation of SRO's in response to an elevation in school shootings.
  8. The picture at the bottom of that article is just freaking chilling.
  9. I've "retired" from coaching twice. Maybe the third time will be the charm....???
  10. I believe he SHOULD have a legal authority. Yes it is a high risk situation but that is what you took on, especially when you take on the responsibility for the protection of children. If you’re going to say the police aren’t the military…..then why isn’t the military called in when a violent crime with guns is taking place? Police aren’t obligated to put themselves in the line of fire….right? But unfortunately at the time he did not have a legal obligation. which baffles me. The position is specific to protecting the school and its people. I will say one thing. After some of the things he said, I wouldn’t step foot in Florida again.
  11. Did he take an oath, and was ‘protect’ part of that oath?
  12. Being a mutli time USA Wrestling National Team member, or even long time international level wrestling athlete, is not at all a bad thing to have in your resume. The work force loves wrestlers
  13. Guess what you will. I’ve received private messages from multiple people since, so I must not have been too far off.
  14. Wow. A lot of feelings flying around in the room. It’s okay folks. Things get better after the fever breaks.
  15. They wave we are talking about here is accountability. A powerful, influential man told nasty blatant lies about two women to the point their lives were threatened, and he is being held accountable for it. Please, please let those waves continue to get….”worse”. Your fear of that is something for you to address within yourself.
  16. Don’t know about giggling, it’s all much more sad than funny that this is where we are. But I’m certainly glad to see a nice couple weeks of accountability we’ve had going on. ‘23 kinda coming to be the year of finding out.
  17. Better send him some money to help him deal with this witch hunt! MAGA!
  18. Good question. Would like to see real actual discussion among the candidates with these (or any…) Never heard of the ‘Transhumanist’ party but that’s kinda scary…..maybe I’m confused
  19. Education spending and policy: Most important, make the teaching profession a more attractive career choice. There are a lot of very good people out there with passion for kids and development, but want nothing to do with all the current trimmings that come with being a teacher, for a lower level professional income. In terms of policy, I believe parents should definitely have a choice of, and voice in, curriculum. But it should be dictated by true education professionals, not parents, and not bureaucrats National defense spending and foreign policy: I believe we do have a responsibility to the world, but I also believe we take advantage of that responsibility. I would like us involved more when we are needed by the people we are helping, and less when it’s just because it’s going to benefit us. Usually, in the long run, it doesn’t Abortion: Tough one. I don’t like abortion for birth control whether it be at 10 weeks or 30. But I also don’t like the idea that my opinion dictates the medical decision of a woman I’ve never met. And I’m smart enough to know I don’t know everyone’s situation. I don’t think there should be any level of federal ban, more of a state issue. But I don’t know the state should be deciding someone’s medical fate either. I would like to see any ban be limited to those abortion solely for birth control. How to execute that? Got me Gun policy: I have guns, believe we all have the right to own them, for self defense and hunting. The framers didn’t want to make sure everyone could own guns so they could take a picture with an elephant, it was for food on the table and protect the home and family. Bigger picture, we’re not going to get this resolved until everyone puts down their stubbornness and acknowledges that it’s both guns and people that kill people, not solely one or the other. If there’s a gun but no person, no one gets shot. If there’s people but no gun, no one gets shot. It’s both. And until we all can acknowledge that the problem is a combination of access, mental health, diminishing coping skills, and diminishing value of life….well….we can keep pumping the thoughts and prayers. Lastly, gun ownership should require training. There are so many things we own and do that requires training, it baffles me using a gun isn’t. Health Care: a complicated issue I know that I don’t know enough about to have a strong opinion. I’ve worked hard, and smart, to get into a position of good insurance, I’ve tried to teach kids the same idea. Social Security: it’s been abused and shredded. Biggest priority for me would be the people that have put so much into it get what they got coming Cancel Culture: Stupid social media BS. Not worth the time. Gay marriage: I don’t plan on marrying a man. Beyond that it’s not my concern. Does government actually have a responsibility to the citizens to help or aid in their prosperity?: In the sense of offering a structure that affords the opportunity…..yes. Responsible for aiding? I guess it depends on what you mean by aid. To what level? Reparations: In the sense that we all think of it mostly, no. I think the dude from ‘The Barbershop’ explained it best. Or listen to Morgan Freeman. Environmental Conservation: Another topic I know I don’t know enough about to have a strong opinion. Church vs State: Church needs to stay out of government. There are central values, beliefs, covenants that are across all religions, and can be influence in government decision making, but any specific church/religion should stay out.
  20. Eeeeeeeeeasy Chuckie. A man can handle only so much in one day.
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