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Everything posted by WrestlingRasta

  1. And thank you for making me chuckle. Happy New Year!
  2. Not exactly, let me take a stab. One ‘side’ of this says there is something to look at here. The other side says it has been looked at, over, and over, and over and over and over and over again. (As evidenced, in small part, by the post linked giving the analysis after looking at it very thoroughly, paid by the person who wanted a different result ) But again, if it’s not the answer I wanted…
  3. I’m picking up a hint of “my answer is the only right answer” around here.
  4. We could see what the opinion is of the guy who trump hired to do a thorough analysis of the election to see if it was stolen….I believe the phrase is “straight from the horse’s mouth” https://www.usatoday.com/story/opinion/2024/01/02/trump-lies-voter-fraud-2020-impact-2024-election/72057016007/?tbref=hp
  5. Wasn’t their big argument that they showed up for every game, they can’t control the quality of competiton? Don’t want to hear about who didn’t show up. Showing up is part of winning. Result is the only thing that matters, right Noles? Result: 63-3 Going undefeated isn’t an end all. Just ask Liberty. Schedule matters.
  6. Someone didn’t read on before they had to respond (or just chose to ignore…)
  7. Oh don’t get me wrong, I don’t assume to see a terrific candidate up there (honestly I’m not even sure what that is anymore). But of the pick of the liter…. (for me anyways)
  8. Made his first big chunk hedge fund managing for pharma, until the run crashed. He was ‘smart’ enough to be pretty much the only one not to lose on the crash, and reinvested by partnering up with China state owned company. Those obviously aren’t his only ventures, but just the start of when you walk down his what he’s done vs what he says path.
  9. “I’ll take the self made billionaire over…” Maybe should look at how and where he made his money, compare and contrast with the words he speaks on the campaign. In other words he’s completely full of shit and I wouldn’t want him anywhere near the White House. For what it’s worth as it is right now, out of all presented options Haley would be my choice.
  10. The Noles are putting up a major statement regarding the committee’s decision.
  11. Agree to disagree on the first line. I do agree it will hurt her, so in that sense you are correct maybe ‘not a nothing burger’. By that, I meant people are going to make a big meatball out of nothing. Again, she talked about a bigger issue that slavery was very much a big part of. If people want to say that is ‘omitting slavery’, I say that is a word picking because we want to get some juice on someone. Which….is politics in America.
  12. Nothing burger. She didn’t ‘omit slavery’ as a lot of the headlines read. She spoke to a bigger picture of issues, of which yes slavery was a big part of. But she didn’t in anyway imply slavery wasn’t a cause. People just scrounging…
  13. Record decrease in murder and violent crime rates for ‘23 https://abcnews.go.com/US/homicide-numbers-poised-hit-record-decline-nationwide-americans/story?id=105556400
  14. Please tell us when the last time what you described happened….all votes were cast and counted in one day? And more important than what year of that election, but what was the population and voter turnout number for that election. I’ll wait for the answer to that before addressing the “it shouldn’t be that hard”
  15. Can get with that. And if one of them goes away, the storyline for the other goes with him.
  16. I agree with most of what you said, except that 1) he is not Alex Jones. AJ is far, far worse. I would say JR presents “different ideas” whereas AJ flat out lies. 2) The idea he has some sort of responsibility to the masses. He is nothing more and never has been anything more than an entertainer, nor has he ever claimed to be more than an entertainer. Other people’s ignorance is not on him, individual responsibility and all…
  17. Heard this on talk sports radio earlier today and thought it would be good here: What’s the one story line from 2023 you’d most like to see go away early in 2024?
  18. Military age and taxes wasn’t the relation I was making.
  19. Are you willing to raise the military age, age to which you start paying taxes, etc up along with raising the age to vote? If not, that seems to lend more toward “my wishes” than “individual rights”.
  20. Good with 2,3, and 4 5 is never gonna happen. In a perfect world would love for every person that gains citizenship to become proficient in reading and writing English…but never gonna happen. 1- I don’t understand the obsession with every single vote across the country must be cast and counted in a 24 hour period. Especially if we want to make sure everyone has the opportunity to vote and we want to ensure the vote be as accurate as possible. (Enter all the experts coming in to school me on how easy it is to administer an election)
  21. However you celebrate the holidays, I hope your friends and family are all enjoying the season. Merry Christmas….Happy New Year!
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