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Everything posted by WrestlingRasta

  1. I’ve been opened to a whole new dimension. Had no idea ‘schoolmarm’ was such a ‘thing’.
  2. Interesting choice. I had to look that up.
  3. Just curious everyone's thoughts on him?
  4. This morning's filing is even more precious. They actually invoked the Grinch: "It is as if the Special Counsel 'growled, with his Grinch fingers nervously drumming, 'I must find some way to keep Christmas from coming. ... But how?'" This is awesome. They have reached Dr. Seuss level briefs. You gotta love it. MAGA!!
  5. BDS is real folks. Hold him in contempt and put him in jail until he complies. And while at it, do the same with others who are currently in contempt of congress. And let's move on.
  6. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/american-exchange-project-building-bridges-across-the-american-divide/
  7. Never got into the stock game. Just not my cup of tea I guess.
  8. Did he give a prediction as to when that would be ?
  9. The filing they submitted in DC today is comedy in action. I would love to know what is going through the lawyers heads as they are submitting these on his behalf.
  10. It's all about the therapy. I waste a lot of food, kind of shameful.
  11. Been following this story a few years now. It’s a good one if you’re not familiar with it. And if you are, pretty cool to see they’ve gone into business together. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/jamal-hinton-wanda-dench-thanksgiving-text-eight-years-celebrating-airbnb/
  12. You couldn’t have made the MAGA philosophy any more clear than you did right here. “Facts don’t matter, it’s all about my feelings” Thank you. This is where we are today folks. And it’s disappointing.
  13. You’ll have to direct me to anywhere on this site I have ever discussed climate change.
  14. Imagine living in a world where your entire belief system was developed by YouTube and Twitter….
  15. A sentiment I can relate to far too often…
  16. https://www.today.com/news/good-news/chicago-woman-104-skydive-record-worlds-oldest-skydiver-rcna118513
  17. Upping??? Unless they acquired these jobs in the last 12 months…..why was it not already upped????
  18. I can’t wait for the split screen TV…. Trump trial on the left, Hunter trial on the right.
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