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Everything posted by WrestlingRasta

  1. I’m seriously curious: Which parts do you believe are lies, and what led you to believe they were lies?
  2. Nah, most Americans are only tired of half the corruption in Washington, the other half of the corruption is….okay.
  3. Michigan v Alabama was the most high level, competitive game of the entire bowl season. There’s a reason they all (committee) get together to watch all the games and discuss what they are seeing. The committee did their job well.
  4. Why do all these different sites and publishers feel individually like they have the never seen all comprehensive footage. Are they trying to compete with Tucker?
  5. No basements in Florida, however I do like a good PB&J. Apparently not as much as you like my posts though. Wow.
  6. Just curious, what does that cost you per visit? PS- next time take a few minutes to breath and think about your response, then you won’t have to edit to go back and add more later. Responding with emotions never works out really well.
  7. I thought we were talking about Jan 6? Oh, I forgot, what abouts. A key ingredient. (All my best to your law enforcement acquaintance). And was that a “I know you are but what am I” you pulled out of the hat? You must be one of the cutest warriors I’ve seen on here awhile. Night night.
  8. Spoken like the true keyboard warrior. Meaning if you were sitting with some of those beaten law enforcement, you would be singing a different tune. You are cool though.
  9. So my question would be, actually I have two: 1) Is it that those things are not/ have not been investigated? Or is it the results of investigations did not meet yours/others satisfaction? Very simple to answer one or the other, either they have, or they have not. If they have not, you are correct. All things should be investigated. If they have and you’re just not satisfied with the result, well that’s completely different. 2) I would like to explore your use of the categorization of “half-hearted”. At what point does a half hearted attempt become a violent attempt? When you looked closely into this event to come to that conclusion, did you sit in the rooms of those, law enforcement and others hospitalized after being beaten, sprayed, beaten some more and so on if they felt it was a half hearted attempt or a violent attempt? Maybe there wasn’t enough patients for you on this one. How many patients do you require to move from half-hearted to violent? Just curious.
  10. Sometimes on this topic I feel like I’m in that story of the stolen money from the concession stand. People want to get on the person that left the register unlocked, or the door open, etc. Of course they goofed and need accountability, but at what point do you actually blame the act on the people committing the action in the first place, regardless of how hard or easy they had to work for the opportunity to commit their wrong???
  11. In order to not fall so heavily on a single term that people can pick apart at their pleasing: Can we all agree there was a violent attempt to block the certification, which is the final necessary stamp for the transferring of power? (I’m guessing probably not)
  12. I believe Morgan Freeman holds the key to all those answers.
  13. And the cherry on top “nothing like what I watched in the movies” One doesn’t have to imagine when one isn’t writing a script but is seeing the live video. Some…think that some peaceful people being there means it was a peaceful event…because that’s what they want the narrative to be. I don’t think I’ll be taking anything you say on this topic in anyway seriously anymore. “Like I’ve seen in the movies” is just too much. But if you want to continue…please do. Have a nice night.
  14. So not everyone there was an insurrectionist, and not everyone was a seditionist, and not everyone got inside, and there was only a little bit of death and injury……oh and Tucker told us what to think. Soooo, Pretty much a facade cuz the federal govt set it up BWWWAAAAHAAHAHAAAHAAHA What a crock of shit the short term history of this incident has become…..to some.
  15. Mark your calendars. That’s the showdown.
  16. You’re not doing any better by trying to use the day to show your ass.
  17. I don’t. But I’m here for the reactions, whatever the resolution.
  18. Who wants to start a pool on what the result of that suit will be?
  19. This thread oughtta get real juicy when the work week comes.
  20. Reading through the report (going to take a bit) it appears most of the documents and evidence comes from the first two years of the presidents term, from his own accounting firm. Curious why it’s just the first two years.
  21. Did they include a definition for ‘net woth’ ?
  22. Well of course. My guess is the next step is 16, with four seeded regions.
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