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Everything posted by WrestlingRasta

  1. I would argue that when you just have general conversations with the public, as opposed to itemized polls, you’ll find that people’s biggest concerns don’t line up with what the digital airwaves say our biggest concerns are.
  2. Here’s some more of that advice: when the two of you get together for your next pre-game planning session, make a point to come up with some new material when you get sat back down and there’s nothing left for you to go to….whats old is old. It used to be about a days worth of your blubber mouth before you got boring, not it’s just a couple of sentences… Until your next bad decision…
  3. Who said I don’t vote? Or are you equating “not voting for Trump or Biden” with “does not vote at all”? (Another example of your obsession with ‘owning’ me) My two biggest fans. Do you two get together and game plan before you jump in? Which one serves the pizza?
  4. This is what I hope more and more people will look at as we get closer to November, because you are absolutely right the vote is going more to the cabinet and other advisors than the individual. Trump admin is going to be full of people who don’t dare give him advice that doesn’t square with his thinking, and the first Biden admin was appointed more on inclusion than talent for the position, neither good game plans for filling the most important positions in the country. I almost feel like these appointments should be proposed pre election just like the VP…they are that important.
  5. https://www.yahoo.com/news/1-billion-donation-johns-hopkins-152344035.html
  6. Had an interesting group conversation at work yesterday morning, following the four day 4th of July weekend. What everyone was talking about, was what most of the discussions were at the various holiday celebrations throughout the weekend, particularly as it pertained to issues in our country. The central theme to that was in those weekend discussions, we all agreed we didn’t hear people talking about the border, or gender identity, or gun laws….we heard people talking about the parks, about the good things going on in their schools, about the kids going into their colleges and trades. I can honestly say I didn’t hear the words immigration or abortion the entire weekend, and many of my co workers had the same experience. (Keeping in mind as well that we work in government). So it just reinforced to me that the vast majority of Americans, and their daily concerns, do not at all revolve around what the people on TV and podcasts tell us we should really be up in arms about. They may spit about it online in their various venting forums, but when it comes down to daily life, the clickbait concerns are not all ‘our’ concerns, but more the concerns of those wanting to push the buttons. A small percentage follows the little herd, but they are extremely loud so they just seem like a bigger crowd than they really are.
  7. That’s interesting…… I didn’t worry about being inaccurate because I assumed everyone knew what was accurate. Thats a new, intriguing technique, maybe now is a good time to tell us about what it means to be a good poster.
  8. Or…..or……the simple fact is he was tried and convicted on 34 felony counts, and people have a more and more diffficult time dealing with reality these days, so we spin uncomfortable truths into something a feels little more comfortable, as far as we can tell… Kinda like Biden fans saying what was on display last Thursday was due to extensive travel and a slight cold.
  9. To be fair, he wasn’t convicted of sexual assault, and yes there’s a difference. Your argument carries weight when you keep it accurate.
  10. Obsessed boy cant help but jump in when he sees me having a conversation. Besides Charmin isn’t as soft as its reputation. It’s all marketing. And again, if you just relax and take a couple breaths before replying. You won’t have to quote me multiple times to get all your emotions out. Or maybe that’s just your thing
  11. Yeah it seems someone got to Bob…
  12. We can only hope and strive to one day enjoy our lives as much as you. You provide quite the inspiration.
  13. My mistake They’re both scumbags. You can allow the one you backed to be a scumbag without getting defensive and hitting the what abouts. The sooner we can all see their both scumbags and need to go, the better we’re all going to be.
  14. Oof, didn’t mean to push buttons…my apologies. It’s okay. But, no I’m not non-committal. There’s enough information available for me to feel comfortable in what I stated above.
  15. I would tread very lightly if you’re wanting to get into a young girl conversation while trying to defend Trump. Pretty much an area where they’re both sickos and to defend one over the other…is to defend a sicko.
  16. Paddled the Pine Island/Cayo Costa area on the 4th, direct spot Hurricane Ian came ashore. Crazy seeing vessels still buried in the mangroves almost two years later…
  17. That was the day I had Shrek over as my sous-chef. PS-nice catch.
  18. I thought we were pretty cool, and then you had to put me in that group…
  19. Happy 4th everyone. Hope y’all have had a great day.
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