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Everything posted by WrestlingRasta

  1. Good stuff, thank you. There is definitely a cyclist aspect to it. If you go back through the history of our hurricanes (just talking Florida landfalls) you can see it. 2004-2005 were very bad years for Florida re: Major hurricanes, then there was a 12 year break before Irma. Since Irma it’s picked back up again. Gotta be honest each year I do the prep and get the items stored that you need to have ready, but I’ve never been nervous heading into a season, I’m a little nervous about this season. May be Ian hangover still, but….
  2. Wiki is close, there’s been six from 2005 to 2023. And obviously my comprehension was off, as there have been nine majors in the last twenty years, not ten. 2004 (a huge year in Florida) to 2023.
  3. Clearly talking about what are matters of law, not whether or not people break those laws. Obviously selling alcohol to minors is against the law, so we'll squash that one. As for common law marriage, identification is actually an aspect if you want your common law marriage recognized legally. Here are some things required for a common law marriage, and receiving the legal status of such, much or all of which requires being able to provide identification.... Common Law Marriage FAQ - FindLaw
  4. I know you’re joking around….but damn that was confusing!!
  5. They one I probably won’t check out. As I said I just don’t get into the climate debate.
  6. Have you seen how she looks these days, I’d probably stay out of eye too…
  7. Okay was going to say, we’ve had nine major hurricanes in the last ten years.
  8. Florida is ten years without a hurricane?
  9. Never really got into the climate debate, and the following is not an argument either way, but just little something that folks down here are paying closer attention to....ocean temperatures are definitely warmer than they have been, and the hurricanes are really spicing up. Developing faster, and more frequently becoming bigger. The one that got us a couple years ago went from a depression in the southern gulf, to a cat 5 in our back yard in five days. This last one, Beryl went from a depression to cat 4 in 48 hours, becoming the fastest developed major ever, first major ever in June, and earliest cat 4 and 5 ever. Got us folks eyes wide open.
  10. Sounds like everyone wants to 'tax that aass"
  11. Honest question, not trying to be specifically argumentative with you here....what do you think of the possibility it would have the opposite effect? Black market shit happens when there is a black market....right? If we look at history...did ending prohibition create a bigger black market for alcohol? Or more recently, with the spread of legalized marijuana, there is certainly a significantly lower black market for marijuana (still exists, but much much smaller). I feel like if it were legal, and regulated, designated to brothels and what not, it would decrease the black market. My belief on the idea that marijuana is a gateway drug to more hardened drugs, is not because of the physiological affects of the plant....but because of the company it puts you in in a black market. Kind of feel like the same thing applies here.
  12. You’re not illustrating to everyone, what you think you are illustrating to everyone. You probably should have stopped when you claimed I parrot Fox News, but you didn’t learn after the fact, and you clearly aren’t still with your little games. You probably should just move on.
  13. Hey you’re getting a start. Everything begins with a start. Keep going, only 29 minutes left to go. And report back when you’ve done some good honest looking into the topic “all the rich do with their money is stash it away and leave it to their kids”. You already shown that’s not at all true , and if you keep learning yourself you’ll find so much more.
  14. Nice try, but I already told you, I don’t play those stupid little games.
  15. Thank you. My very precise, specific question was: “are you at all interested in taking 30 minutes to research how much the rich provide in charitable donations each year, or how much they reinvest into further ventures each year? Since you brought up that this was the original question, and all this time and posts later you still haven’t answered, do you care to now?? I mean in reality, it’s just a yes or no question. We could have saved a lot of time.
  16. What I did was…..led you onto facts that you could make the effort to look up for yourself and be more informed, if you so choose (freedom of information and all). What you are doing is saying no, you refuse to, you expect me to do the work to acquire that information (which I already have before forming opinions on the topic), and then hand it over to you. I will simply ask you what that is typical of….as I am not one to make assumptions about others affiliations simply because they disagree with me on one particular statement I made.
  17. . I’m not playing that stupid little game. I’ll just say this: No. I do not go about hoping some stranger just believes another stranger on social media. To be informed means to do the work. I think we’re pretty clear here. You know it and I know it.
  18. If you are talking to me, try some reading comprehension first and then maybe we can continue. I’m going to help you out with the first couple steps: There’s your first clue. Here’s your second: Would you like to try again?
  19. you disagree with me so pull out the “Fox News” stuff, so that you don’t have to address the fact you don’t want to learn more about where you’re wrong. Another one of those emotional ticks. Obviously there’s a lot more you need educated on. Most of people on here will tell you I’m not exactly the “Fox News” crowd. Another thing they will tell you is I’m not interested in having a stranger believe something they heard from another stranger on social media, I’m more interested in getting people to take some time and effort to seek out accurate information themselves. But I do realize it’s safer and more comfortable to just say ”No I know I’m right”, so that you don’t have to put yourself through that.
  20. So you’re not interested in taking 30 minutes to learn a little more about it, it’s safer and more comfortable to just say….‘basically I’m right’. I didn’t ask if it was exception or majority I specifically asked if you were interested in taking 30 minutes to educate yourself a little more. “Spend on themselves and their maids”. . No need to get emotional. It’s a discussion. I think we’ve seen all we need to see here.
  21. How much it would take to take care of the poor has nothing to do with my response to you, and the statement of yours I quoted. Since you made the statement that all “the rich do is stash their money away and passed it on to their kids”, I will repeat the same question. Is that something you are interested in addressing, or do you not care to because it may go against your idea?
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