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Everything posted by WrestlingRasta

  1. Pretty sensational stuff for a state that is not even deserving of a franchise….
  2. What’s very interesting is how so many people know they are both completely full of shit, but are perfectly okay to let one or the other just continue to lie to them, as long as that lie is what they hope to hear.
  3. Honestly they are completely irrelevant anymore. They were important back in the time when there weren’t nearly as many avenues for a candidate to get their message out there. But these days with 24/7 news and social media, who can say they go into these debates wanting to learn what the candidates are about. It’s complete unnecessary TV marketing these days.
  4. Scan one of the sites that link articles from a multitude of platforms, you’ll see plenty. (opinion pieces obviously)
  5. There are many who believe the debate tomorrow is not going to happen.
  6. You’re crossing a pretty serious line.
  7. It’s certainly going to be the most slobbering, word salad of a debate we’ve ever seen in public. Surely enjoy (rum and ) a coke and a smile on this one. And the world will be laughing with us.
  8. Definitely seems to come easier and easier for so many. And then liars seems to be followed more and more. Cause the wicked giveth heed to a false lip, Liar giveth ear to a spiteful tongue. Wrong doers always eager to do gossip, and if you lose your grip, they’ll surely bring you down. And
  9. Rasta is always smiling , a pretty woman once told me always, always live your happy….
  10. You get what you earn. See pic above.
  11. At AAU national duals. Hotel is right on the beach, in the heart of Florida Panther country. We’re done early today, walk outside to grab lunch and a bev, and see some walk up visitors come in across the street…
  12. That would be a good drinking game poll type question: how long would you last (in minutes) if you had to drink a shot of tequila every time one of them said something that was either A) signs of dementia, or 2) an outright lie. I’m not much of a tequila guy, so I don’t know I’d make it much further than whoever gets to speak first.
  13. What’s going to be fun to watch are the video clips that come out of the debates next week.
  14. Not at all, and you continue to provide more. You see, you are too blindly obsessed with “but it has to be Biden” that you fail to recognize that in this very thread I have stated he provides so much material naturally on his own, that it’s stupid to edit videos because he already gives enough material to show he’s an idiot. I’ve also stated, several times, that he’s a worthless piece of shit when it comes to the White House and one would be a fool to vote for. It’s all right here in this forum. The only reason I am talking singularly about Biden is because his videos of mental lapses are the only ones you want to talk about, while claiming I’m a fan defending him because you can’t see the numerous times I’ve stated otherwise. Are you sure you want to continue down this road? I’ve tried to let you off the hook.
  15. Not surprised by this kind of response at all. More Biden.
  16. Precisely, as I addressed three hours ago in a post on the second page: The editing cuts out that Biden was walking over to engage with the other sky diver, who was cut out of the edited to video, to portray that he was wandering off to........nothing. And that is what was ran with, for example by individuals around here, until the original video came out in response. Then, at that point, once credibility in that edited video was lost, the response shifted to (actually even parroted on this board), well it doesn't matter he was walking over to engage with the other sky diver. The other leaders were standing for a picture and he's an idiot for doing something else. So you are, again, doing both in this one short post. Shifting the narrative to why was he doing talking to the other sky diver when no one else did, after you were able to acknowledge the video was edited to show a false sequence of events. We do that because it is easier and more comfortable for us to shift the narrative than it is to acknowledge to ourselves we've been duped (where human behavior comes into play again). The second thing is, again, talking in circles. In the spirit of no longer talking in circles, can we talk about this other dynamic that is appearing in this thread: I have been stating from the get go that this is a thing on both sides, not just one side that is guilty of. However, the only push back I have been getting is from the angle of "Biden Biden Biden". So would this be a good time to discuss the rising cases of TDS around here???
  17. I addressed that as well. In fact, you explained why he walked off ("to talk to a parachutist"), and then in you're very next line asked why he wondered off. So it's pretty easy to see we are now just talking in circles here. It's been fun...
  18. Would it make you more comfortable if I made a correction: I'm not making any claims. I am stating that those who edit and cut videos to show a false sequence of events, are in fact making an edited video for the purpose of showing a false sequence of events, so that their herd will follow along. And I'm not interested in proving it to people, I'm interested in whether or not people will seek it out for themselves. Better?
  19. That was addressed in the post you are responding to. Reading comprehension...
  20. Well, first, I'm going to assume you meant to say I continue to provide no proof to my claim. To which I have two responses. 1) I am not making a claim, I am debunking the claims made by those who edit videos to try and show a false sequence of events. 2) If I am brought into a court of law where I am required to provide some proof, i will happily do so. My interest here is not convincing anyone or providing proof. My interest here is a simple question, who will seek out an answer that may go against their own bias and comfort level, and who will just simply expect that comfortable space to be laid out for them, all nice and easy like. What I am finding interesting in the last couple of days is those individuals that seem to be really uncomfortable with the idea of saying both are equally horrendous, almost as if it's not really possible to function without attaching themselves to one side or the other.
  21. I fully expected you to dodge that question. Yes, I do know precisely what I am doing. And I'm being as clear about it as can be. And you are providing good information.
  22. I don't know how more clear I can possibly be. I've stated several times there are plenty out there, and explained one of them right above your post asking me. What are you missing? In the highlighted statement above, are you admitting you are absolutely against anyone that lies to America?
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