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Everything posted by WrestlingRasta

  1. I feel like we’ve never been so close… These are exactly my thoughts. We bitch and whine and moan, but we the people have the ultimate power to execute term limits, if we want to do the different and difficult things to execute them.
  2. Kinda feels like someone decided to get new screen names and agendas but still be a heel.
  3. I’ve made my opinion pretty well known around here on term limits.
  4. Would this be a good time for me to get called out for being a dumb ass for saying that until both sides of nut jobs start spending more time working on shit together than they do on trying to find any way to blast and blame the other….continually making everything in politics and governing more extreme…nothing changes direction, and alls well that ends well!
  5. Surprised there’s not any discussion. Pretty big drop…
  6. For the sake of conservatism, I hope the far right kind finally realize why that graph looks completely different after ‘15-16 than it did before.
  7. ham salad, tuna salad, potato salad, shrimp salad, fruit salad (yummy yummy), egg salad, three bean salad, pasta salad....
  8. You’re like a year, year and a half removed from regularly saying “I know you are but what am I”….. arent you?
  9. Completely disagree. His decision to end his life clearly drove him over. What he was actually charged with and how for committing crimes against the country, which he admittingly did, is a different conversation. We don’t get to pick and choose when we are responsible for our decisions and actions when it’s convenient for us or our political preference. He made and individual decision. And it was a terrible one. He’s now paid for that terrible decision by not being alive long enough to see why he should have not made that decision…..sorry not sorry. Same reply as above.
  10. Sad to hear dude felt he needed to make the decision to end his life, not in a million years going to try to lay any level of blame on the justice system for that.
  11. But are you as cooool as the other side of your pillow..??
  12. Neither, niether, nor Appreciate the input
  13. Probably an event for weekend coffee…
  14. Okay I just wanted to clarify if you had actually studied constitutional law or just learned from reading media and internet, cuz you seem to take real issue with people who just run with what they read on media. Thank you.
  15. Well I never said anything about being kicked off, just asked if they were going to do something about you going over the line, which you have stopped doing in that particular regard, so....... What is entertaining is that you continue to bring it up, as if mentioning over and over again my calling you out in public for everyone to see, is somehow telling people something about me, or somehow bothering me. When what it really does is just illustrate how extremely intense those feelings are that you are still holding on to over it. It's okay. It's over, and you learned and experienced a little bit of growth........a little bit. You are really not good at this. You should go find another "lake to enjoy". We've had our fun here for the day.
  16. Wait….am I always sitting on the fence? Or am I always crying and whining. Which is it?? (You are too obsessed with me, I’m here to help if you are crying out, you don’t have to go about it this way).
  17. Well, you conveniently dodged my question by turning it around and asking me one, but rather than go with the stupid tit for tat “answer my question” game that goes on around here, I’ll go ahead. I am not in agreement or disagreement yet because I don’t have enough information on it. I have not read the entire opinion yet, I am asking questions. I don’t want to make the mistake of acting like I know more than 9 Supreme Court justices who have spent their life dedicated to the constitution because I real a couple internet clicks. Now, will you reciprocate by answering my original question, how many years have you spent studying constitutional law?
  18. I am still formulating my evaluation of the decision. First step in my process is to ask questions.
  19. You say all this, but from what studing of constitutional law did you form such heavy opinions? Honest question. How many years have you spent studying constitutional law?
  20. Can you answer in contemporary verbiage , I’m asking an honest question.
  21. So help me clarify what the opinion actually was: > President does have immunity for acts within his constitutional powers. >The phone call with the Attorney General was in fact, via Supreme Court opinion, an official act within his constitutional powers. >The remaining charges need to go back through hearings at the lower court to determine if they were official acts protected by constitutional powers. That about sum it up?
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