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Le duke

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Everything posted by Le duke

  1. Yeah. I regularly see Angel doing Penn State and Iowa duals, and while I'm a huge PSU fan, I think Angel is one of the best referees in the game. It's pretty common to see both HVI and GIA ripping him, and I just don't get it. He's one of the most hi-vis people in wrestling and yet, still gets the call to do a LOT of big time, nationally televised events. I think he's doing about as good of a job as you could reasonably expect from a human being.
  2. Penn State will be loaded next year. Davis might have a hard time retaining his starting position with Lilledahl coming in. People forget how good he was because he got injured and fell off a cliff for B1Gs/NCAAs, but Facundo will be very good at 174. If he’s not, Ryder will take the spot. Multiple time world medalist. SVN will be back, BB might be back, and Kasak will either RS or go 141. At 184, Barr looked great in RS. At 197, Mirasola will get his 5 dates; the kid beat multiple AAs and NCAA champs in Freestyle as a 17 year old. I expect him in State College early this summer. That lineup possibly takes 8 of 10 from Iowa, if Kerk comes back. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. Rumor was that he was beating the brakes off of Beard when he was a 184. I don’t imagine it going better for Beard now. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. Wait. So, minor illegal immigrants are flying from the US to other locations in the US? In compliance with the law, mind you. That’s not the original claim at all. The original claim was that 320,000 illegal immigrants were flown from outside the US, into the US. They weren’t illegal immigrants (vetted, sponsored, approved). More big brain stuff from Space Laser Willie. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  5. She’s from Alabama, so, he’ll likely father at least one kid with her. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  6. Videos of dudes getting on a plane is not the conclusive proof you think it is. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  7. Where is there a quote from the victim or the victim’s family in either of the links posted about Biden or his actions? It’s not “put the facts together”, it’s “not fabricate a story”. Multiple administrations have come and gone since the events in question took place. The events in question happened in a different country. What’s next? Did Joe Biden shoot Archduke Franz Ferdinand? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  8. She used a fabricated story about sex trafficking in an attempt to damage another person. As opposed to using that story to inform good, sound bipartisan policy that could actually get signed into law and, you know, help actual victims of sex trafficking. That’s about as shitty as it gets. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  9. His stance made me think back. That wasn’t normal Vito. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  10. Casey wants to coach his son at PSU. He’s not leaving until Asher graduates. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  11. I think you are very much underestimating the impact of severe cardiovascular stress on the brain’s ability to process information. Hamiti died a thousand deaths out there. He overextended himself trying to go with Mesenbrink, and paid for it. I thought he was pinned and the ref was in very poor position when he was on his back. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  12. Bartlett could very well be in law school at Penn and training at the Pennsylvania RTC this time next year.
  13. Carter seems to think he's going to NCAAs. https://twitter.com/carterstarocci/status/1767286085183209778?ref_src=twsrc^tfw|twcamp^tweetembed|twterm^1767286085183209778|twgr^|twcon^s1_c10&ref_url=
  14. So, he IDF his second match at 4:30-5pm local time (I believe). Then, he presumably had to drive home, which took several hours. If I were a betting man, he was in the training room at PSU first thing in the morning. You may not know this, but most large schools have a large training room where student athletes can get access to things that are not man-portable. Stuff that Dan Monthley, or any other trainer for a B1G school, wouldn't have in his or her large rolling suitcase of medical supplies.
  15. What did he tell us? How do you know he wasn't sent home by Cael to continue rehabbing his knee?
  16. I disagree with the entire premise of the thread. How does one "destroy" a knee with an overly aggressive bow and arrow attempt? There's literally no sideways force applied, in either direction. The knee was in its natural forwards/backwards track the entire time Starocci did it. Could he hurt a hip flexor? Or a lower ab muscle? Sure.
  17. You should probably not post here, ever. See: space lasers thread. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  18. Do you know how math works? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  19. And, ironically, Ed now lives in the Czech Republic. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  20. I’m sure @jajensen will be along to make the case for Smith over Davis based on head to head, plus Husker. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  21. Both Nagao and Davis pulled 4.0s. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  22. You’ve never seen him gas. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  23. That’s the only way MM loses this, I think. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  24. Because of allocations. Starocci will get an at-large and likely be seeded 4th-6th.
  25. Wild 7th(!) place match between Barnett and Smith so far. TD for Barnett, R2 for Smith, R2 for Barnett, NF4 for Barnett in the 1st. Barnett up 13-2 with 30s left in the 2nd. Now 14-2 after a second stalling warning on Smith. Oof. 17-2 TF for Barnett over Smith.
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