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Everything posted by Husker_Du

  1. He's going to OU
  2. Not sure if everyone is aware but I do a show once in a while (probably about once a week). Anyway, just passing along. Here's this week's: CKLV Preview, ISU-Iowa, and Buchanan
  3. Yes - Intermat for College Rankings; MatScouts for HS stuff. of course both will cross over often for content, but that's the plan for rankings. if you subscribe to Intermat on Rokfin, you get all the MatScouts stuff already. Josh Lowe, who used to do the rankings for Intermat, still does the National Team Rankings (and all kinds of great info pieces to accompany them) for MatScouts
  4. not from Luke himself but my hunch from being around him OK State, PSU, Nebraska, Missou perhaps Michigan tbh i didn't know ISU was in the mix
  5. why is USC in and tOSU not. USC lost to a 9-3 Utah team. tOSU has 1 loss - to undefeated Michigan - in a game they lead at halftime.
  6. are we debating if killing people is wrong right now? is that what's happening? lol
  7. ah yes. you're right. i forgot about that last year. M* was walking wounded one year too (i think his SR year) that being said, everyone is hurt in post season. Nolf was. Cassar lost a year. Kerk was going through so stuff. etc.
  8. Tom Brands is a sharp dude. While they have seemingly experienced a rash of injuries, i don't think for one second that it's b/c of Tom's methods. 1) Tom's too smart for that and 2) think of the group w/ McDonough, Ramos, Metcalf, etc. none of them ever missed time and they were as just as much 'run through a wall' types as any of these guys. Actually let's take inventory or Iowa's injuries 1) Spencer (but he still won 3 so they didn't miss any points at all) 2) Murin wore an arm brace for a short period of time but he didn't experience any drop in ability 3) Kemerer - could certainly argue his placements could have been higher - particularly the years he took 6th and 5th - but i also don't think it was shocking. 174 last year was crazy last year and he lost to CStarr when he was healthy. is that it? who am i missing? Nelson, i guess but he's kinda been in a platoon most of his career.
  9. Yianni is a really great all around human being. among the most level headed wrestlers in the game imo. someone you'd want to hang out with regardless of wrestling.
  10. perhaps we should just shut down the boards until january. here i was under the impression we wanted to talk wrestling. apparently knownothing was too. silly us.
  11. that you listen to/like that npr woke drivel is the least surprising thing ever. you're a cliche.
  12. 1) i suggest you click on 'expand' on the quote 2) if you're talking about K-12 education it already is 'free' (although taxpayers foot the bill) if you're talking about free college, then yes, it's extreme and stupid. even considering that $1 of my tax money attributed to you becoming the way you are has me puking up last night's cranberry sauce.
  13. imagine being so enlightened that you come on a wrestling message board and suggest you not worry about talking wrestling for a few months. genius.
  14. if you don't want to engage in wrestling talk until January, then shut up.
  15. that you think your positions on these things are tame is a giant problem. unfortunately, there's a decent size percentage that are equally indoctrinated.
  16. lol. npr is god awful state media. literally.
  17. now do things that turned out to be true that weren't know to be true at the time and taken down. you know how many doctors were banned from twitter for posting (even with empirical analysis) 'disinformation' regarding covid? what about the hunter laptop story? i agree that there are more obvious situations of posting ridiculousness, but where does it start/stop?
  18. Ban Basketball: "All republicans are extremists" Also Ban Basketball: "Here are my ideas, and they're all extreme"
  19. did you not just say the funny stuff is coming from the new CEO?
  20. The entire company was a bunch of wokesters that throttled down Red stuff and throttled down blue stuff, and kicked off whoever they wanted. but, but, but dISinforMatIOn
  21. i'm sure stricter gun laws would prevent this
  22. Chicago is definitely safe
  23. you guys don't think there was any shady sh!t going on at twitter?
  24. i love twitter. how can you like message boards and not love what is essentially a world wide one? it's like anything in life - read, research, and draw your own conclusions. imo half this 'disinformation' debate could be solved if everyone took a little accountability and figured things out for themselves instead of blaming....something/everything
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