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Everything posted by Husker_Du

  1. both can be true. those comments were not during trump admin and 2014's annexation was under the Obama. in other words, RUS has been poking at Ukraine for ten years except...oh, when trump was in office. so, really, your assertion really doesn't hold up
  2. that's not what's going on here. the question was not rhetorical. the answer Le Duke gave in his second response was what i was looking for. again, you're reading into stuff.
  3. lmfao. i'm really sorry i'm dividing a nation by calling out lunacy. i hereby apologize to America. the problem certainly isn't that leftist policies are full scale asinine and are making people upset. it's 100% b/c very insensitive people like myself talk about it the audacity.
  4. there's a difference between mismanaged and not having an abundance of resources. if KY, MS, etc have resources and dropping the ball, then yes, they deserve to be called out. what's very clear is CA has one of the biggest economies in the world and currently, b/c of policy and ideology, very wealthy cities look like zombie land.
  5. can we just all agree that California is a mismanaged trainwreck? i mean, things are getting dark around here. let's just all find something we can agree on.
  6. let's be clear - i know you lean left and you know i lean right. i DID NOT say the US did. i asked a question. stop reading in to me. ok, with the genetic fallacy out of the way, let's get to the substance... did you watch the video? who cares what account tweeted it. if you actually took the time to watch the video it's the logical conclusion the US was playing the game. she literally said 'eff the EU', which to me, is telling.
  7. can you do the math and figure out how contradictory your stance is or do i have to do it for you?
  8. can't spell Nicholls without NIL, amiright?
  9. Silvestro was basically the man behind the Marmion (IL) rise. great dude. i once went to Elinsky's house w/ Alan Fried. Elinsky is...doing very well for himself.
  10. i just arrived. drove from PA
  11. best thing i heard today. good luck WK
  12. is there any substance to this narrative? it's oft repeated by liberals that try to mitigate the open border lunacy. don't get me wrong, if illegaas can find wok good for them. but "America would be stuck if we didn't have illegal immigrants" is something i just aint buying
  13. what red states take blue state tax dollars? florida has a surplus fwiw
  14. spare me. you're topping bs with even more bs. these things are very demonstrably coming from the left, but you don't want me to say they're coming from the left bc....? it would be mean? divisive? lol.
  15. Does anyone on the left believe in personal accountability? every fuckin issue you sympathize with is an excuse or bail out. mostly white cucks. learn how to think rationally, and what's best for citizens long term. the left's platform is now a fully devolved santa list of morons
  16. can you translate it? cause i can't. certainly sounds like 'i don't like that fact but i have no evidence to dispute'
  17. is it just me, or has hollywood went down the toilet? every movie that comes out is a comic book made into a film. (and i'm not really into them) idk - seems like there aren't as many good movies lately
  18. wtf does this crap even mean? did Kamala write it for you? why even post?
  19. Elon is a big proponent of increasing population and i think it's stupid. (no, this does not mean i want to reduce it) he's logic behind it seems flawed af to me, but shrug
  20. it's no secret the globalists want to decrease the population. but it is news that she said it out loud.
  21. if you don't understand the difference with this issue... jfc
  22. they promised it (to buy votes). so they have to try to make good on that.
  23. kamala just said 'if we reduce the population...' white house spin zone incoming
  24. i mean, it aint rocket science. it all comes from woke lunatics. mostly in higher education and other lefty whackass thinktanks. look it up. every single time. the 'they' is pretty all up in your face. and no one is 'scared'. they are laughing at how ridiculous is.
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