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Everything posted by Husker_Du

  1. why do you guys so clearly and obviously want Elon to fail? c'mon, say it. say it out loud. sheep
  2. lol. where am i trying to be intimidating? sounds like you're reading a bit in to something that's not there. but lemme get this straight, you don't watch any national news shows but tucker is the worst. does that sum it up? also Steve Harvey sucks.
  3. yeah, this is full of shit. who else has done those numbers? who else in news is as followed? if he was a MSM type you'd be singing his praises. objectively....objectively...no one comes close to those numbers. so try again
  4. 1) why? 2) thats not Vak's point. it is clearly that Tucker's numbers aren't great and getting worse 3) who has better numbers 4) this is where you say Tucker only has good numbers b/c this country is inherently racist and everyone who listens to him is racist and racist. racist. racist. racism.
  5. and watch regularly? who's shows/segments do you like best. put it on record cause i'm tired of you whining like snowflakes. i got @VakAttack down for Sunni Hostin & The View i'll put @WrestlingRasta down for Rachel Maddow and Myron Mixon who else?
  6. lmfao. i knew exactly what was going to be in this thread before i opened it. you guys are dorks. what exactly is your thesis here? that Tucker • doesn't matter? • is overrated? • is a waning star? c'mon, spell it out. so that it can be easily refuted. meanwhile...you're watching MSM like lapdogs. dorks.
  7. the delay is in how to spin it, i'd imagine. or who to take the fall for it.
  8. you can't be fucking serious. there's zero difference. the result is the same. he didn't fire them b/c of ability. he fired them b/c they weren't needed. your position makes no sense. there was no 'karma' here
  9. they weren't needed. they were superfluous and twitter hemorrhaged money. whether or not a competing product leads to 'his demise' their employment there was unnecessary. when amazon (ie - any large company) lays off people, would you say the same thing?
  10. i'm so incredibly jealous of this
  11. after 37 pages can i get an update from you hippy effers? what's so bad about Elon's era of twitter? you guys getting picked on?
  12. yeah, i understand that. but the pearl clutching by the right is just a political stance. absolutely no one was in danger bc a little coke was in a cubby. there's more than enough real stuff to address then that
  13. 1) there's no way they can't find out whose it is. it was a 'highly traveled area' and in a cubby. there are cameras everywhere. 2) who gives a fuck? it's a recreational drug. this is partisan stuff. like 'oh, the audacity'.
  14. this is fuggin incredible
  15. i feel like Austin O'Connor would be a tough out (P4P-wise)
  16. my braised short ribs came out awesome. idk if they were supposed to, but they came out kinda resembling like an indian curry dish (w/o the curry flavor)
  17. nice set up, Rasta
  18. lol. how many of you guys posted in the days of themat.com board's 'pretty lady thread'? should we bring it back to offset outing myself?
  19. send pics, mspart. i'm braising short ribs tomorrow. wish me luck
  20. i'm anti-legacy admits, but how pervasive is that problem? i see (mostly lefties) railing against them but how many per year are we talking? my assumption is that it isn't significant. gifted students from poor communities with fewer resources, and how do you sift thru and find them? they apply?
  21. So basically, when you boil it down, the advantage comes nor from college but from the work/talen/merit you put in during hs
  22. Vak with all due respect, wtf are you talking about? it seems pretty clear you're one of those lefty snowflakes hoping Musk's twitter fails because the govt now can't use it to distort and censor. if that's a wrong read, let me know.
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