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Everything posted by Husker_Du

  1. it was indeed Casey for Mesenbrink.
  2. is it? i think school policies that mandate talking to children about sexuality and not informing parents of their own kids' sexual/medical/psychological conditions is extreme. i also can't imagine how i'd react if it happened to my child. it's telling what you find extreme, i guess.
  3. I have to do them in the oven, sadly. i just moved in to a townhouse type deal in Coeur d'Alene, Idaho after driving from Easton PA in a pick up truck with a duffle bag and nothing else. total rebuilding process. in other words, i don't have a grill or smoker. (nor a spatula lol). but i do the keto thing so i'll be picking on the pork butt for a week and to me mediocre long cooks are better than the alternatives in both taste and for my diet. i appreciate the tips. i didn't realize beef ribs called for so low a temp, but it makes sense.
  4. James Green and individual coaches. Often times in Cadets it's their HS coach. At Juniors it's almost entirely one of their college coaches. James + Lilledahl = Cornell Robinson (Wyoming Seminary) Bouzakis + Mendez = Jagger and Stieber Shapiro = Grey and Yianni Mesenbrink = not sure. probably Casey Cunningham Singleton = Adam Hall Berge = Damion Hahn Darrah = Cornell Robinson + (i think) Deakin Camden McDanal = his father Christian Carroll = not sure. probably Chris Perry
  5. Our JR's won the team title in 2017 when our Seniors also won the team title and our Cadets were Silver. it's a little difficult to decipher 'best' as the team point system changed a few years back.
  6. the only one distracted and confused was you, genius. you can't even figure out when you couldn't figure something out and it had to be pointed out to you.
  7. i mean...what can i say; it wasn't awe inspiring. lol. just being honest. i'm in the process of moving and had to do it in the oven. still better than the alternative of eating out every night like i've been doing the last month, but i'm sure it's not to the level of what you guys turn out.
  8. no. you don't, nitwit. or you wouldn't be posting a single case when there are mountains of other instances where utterly out of bounds shit was being taught to elementary kids.
  9. and you think men can have babies. at least you didn't spend millions, i guess.
  10. seriously - wtf are you talking about....on several fronts 1) when did anyone do that - go to a school asking for their political beliefs to be reinforced? 2) there are countless examples ... i mean hundreds of examples ... where elementary school teachers were WAY outside the curriculum. gender, sexuality, race, etc. this isn't a conspiracy theory. read, ya dunce. if it's not clear, i think you're an excuse making p.o.s. who doesn't want to address the reality that children are being effed in the head at an alarming rate. you and your type aren't much better than the offenders imo. fucking freaks.
  11. there's been several instances....from VA to CA. most of the instances there were no threats, just concerned parents.
  12. he's talking about the picture of mini me numbnuts. and ffs, lighten up. me saying 'lol at the left' is not 'attacking half a nation, ya sally' but it's totally ok for you to post a picture of a banjo kid suggesting completely prejudicial, that people are backwards and stupid. or how about your post from a half hour ago calling someone's state a 'shithole'. stay classy, hypocrite.
  13. did a pork butt today. came out solid. but when i bought it the other day, the store had a whole rack of Beef Ribs on sale so i scooped them too. any advice on cook time/temp? i've never made them.
  14. you know you're slippin when you have to resort to personal insults. advantage: me. that being said, i didn't research it myself and took Kirk's tweet at face value. that's my bad.
  15. did anyone ever question what their elementary school's curriculum was? DHS hits ya with a 'domestic terrorist' label for that.
  16. LMFAO at the left.
  17. awesome dude. tom clark
  18. Multiple things can be true at once. Russia is better than us. they also cheat. Americans hate cheaters.
  19. thanks, Gimp. i had read something about unlimited coaches (all sports). but i honestly haven't kept on top of it.
  20. it's unlimited coaches now, isn't it? Kokesh's father said he was done farming and if Robert didn't take it over he was going to sell it. Robert chose the family farm. The James Green thing was just coincidental.
  21. Greco doesn't translate. almost a total non factor. i wouldn't look at Fargo team standings as any measure of a state's collective ncaa-readiness. look at Big Boards which show a more complete picture.
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