my credibility? oh the irony. in the same post you say i know nothing about a family farm.
anyway - stop getting butt hurt
i'm simply stating that no 'dairy' farm doesn't cool the milk immediately.
if you mean the place has/had like 1 or 2 cows i get it.
dang. i never knew.
i don't think i made it abundantly clear when i started this thread that i don't know crap about smoking things.
i just want to. and i thoroughly enjoy cooking. so i wanted pics and tips and to start a conversation.
Billy, you're so far off it's not funny.
and that's all i'll say about that.
your first sentence is "it's misleading" and then you go on to produce absolutely nothing but speculation.
here's the skinny on the Stanford candidates.
they are already identified. this will be the pool.
i don't understand the coveting of Florida State.
seems to me they've stunk the last decade or so.
is it a market thing?
i'd imagine Miami (who has stunk as equally) would bring more eyeballs but i'm just guessing.