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Everything posted by Husker_Du

  1. 1) i don't recall what post you're referring to. Mayor Adams went to DC the other day and begged for help and they denied him 2) that has nothing to due with the fact that you're suggesting it's ok for south american felons to come across the border unchecked b/c there are also criminals in the US. it's frankly one of the dumbest things ever uttered here.
  2. there are many simple, predictable, dumb parts of this current immigration coup (yes, it's part coup) but the one that's so ***ducking** funny is the standard, vapid dem response of 'we now know it's bad but we need immigration reform' wtf was wrong with it before biden?
  3. black people in every city are going to city council meetings detailing the negative effects of mass illegal immigration. creates quite the conundrum for people like yourself. you either have to say 'i was wrong. illegal immigration is having damning affects' or, gasp! "those black people are wrong."
  4. your premise is dumb even on the surface: "If americans commit crimes, what's so bad about illegals committing crimes in america?" full idiocy. but it gets worse when you realize the amount of illegals that have sauntered across the border in the last 3 years and are now a part of the american fabric - that were offenders in their home countries. it is this kind of virtue signaling lack of of reality that got biden elected to begin with. you're just not a serious person. you want to take your genius thesis to the parents of one of the countless murdered americans? the instances of which there are no shortage of?
  5. you need it explained to you? an unprecedented illegal migration is causing all kinds of problems including the deaths of american children. the relevance of the article to this topic couldn't slap you harder in the face.
  6. he is injured. not my place to say, but i'm sure Robbie will have the details when Robie is ready to talk about them.
  7. they're all designed differently. each school has its own way of doing things. some include tuition in the 'value' of what they offer; some don't. some require you to simply compete for their college, some have FS escalators, some have branding/image/social aspects, etc, etc. you're asking all the right questions but you seem to doubt they exist (or that the numbers are that high). i assure you, they are.
  8. seriously, Vak. i ain't even a lawyer and you're showing your ass here. you might as well say you like the left and hate the right.
  9. wtf is this supposed to mean? i posted several things from prominent, renowned scientists. and your response is that i saw that on social media? there's a term for that - it's called genetic fallacy - or dismissing something not because of the veracity of information, but because of where it came from. except you take it one idiotic step further b/c the original source wasn't actually social media. conversely, who told you man made climate change is real? what material/s have you looked through to convince you it was indeed the case? or did you just listen to Al Gore and John Kerry? i'd love to know, considering there's a long line of the best climatologists who destroy the notion.
  10. i do ncaa projections every week or so. imo they are much more sensible than any set of college rankings which goes off relatively arbitrary rules. https://rokfin.com/ranking/3491/2024-Crystal-Ball-Week-6
  11. Buchanan hasn't wrestled for a year. you don't move a 3x AA down for missing one match unless you have totally changed your methodology. why didn't Fix drop for missing CKLV? Brooks? i mean, i can follow the A->B->C logic, but i've never seen rankings done like that. and i can follow their rationale for Maida. it's not lost on me. but it's never been done like that in the history of sports or rankings. the guy literally fell 18 spots and didn't lose lol.
  12. good pull, Lu. Duane Goldman has to be up there. didn't he go 2, 2, 2, 1 ? so three at minimum.
  13. lol. i was overwhelmingly liberal. which makes me feel Great Disgust
  14. he literally is at odds with them at every turn. that's the entire effing point. like when your beloved dipshit party wanted him to help in that giant money laundering operation in ukraine. wtf are you even talking about?
  15. talk about a 'reach,' Vak. geesh. he's clearly half joking. drilling and closing the border aren't even dictatorial moves. but know what is? opening the border. TDS is real.
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