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Everything posted by Husker_Du

  1. if you keep calling us fascists and racists i'm pretty sure we'll eventually cave and adopt your stupidity out of sheer embarrassment.
  2. he's from Lebanon, who is shooting rockets into Israel and who houses Hezbollah and his rhetoric is very much on par with the Hezbollah leader. just kinda like how Hamas runs Palestine. pretty amazing that these terrorist groups run states but get sympathy from you wokesters. but i guess the UN badge means he's a good dude. wake up. but, yeah, i'm racist.
  3. there were interviews you dunce. jewish students were saying they were targeted, blocked and threatened. it's all over the news so spare me the source-of-info bubble talk. the jewish leader for the university issued a statement to stay home for safety. the university went online. why? b/c it's peaceful. here's how 'racist' i am... i'm not jewish. i feel bad for people being targeted and treated unfairly. what is currently being done was called 'racism' prior to today and if it was happening to any other demographic it would be roundly criticized by all.
  4. anyone supporting these gross protests are dumb or fundamentalist. including you. spare me the racism crap that you wokesters use a the ultimate crutch. it's lazy.
  5. i almost included in my previous post '...and please don't use those current inflation numbers that remove housing, transportation, and food' but i didn't think anyone would. silly me.
  6. no, i didn't. i called him a racist b/c he's supporting racism.
  7. i'm not assuming. if you agree that blocking a certain demographic from entering a building that's the definition of racist. how is this not abundantly clear?
  8. you called me a racist twice cry me a river.
  9. anyone that supports this is a fundamentalist. including you. that's your second strike btw.
  10. 1) keep going. i'm dying for a legit reason to block your dumb ass. 2) UN diplomats can't be fundamentalists? 3) oh the irony. all the demonstrations, which you, that UN rep, and the leader of Hezbollah are supporting are the definition of racism. you, sir, are the racist
  11. i said on a podcast that i hated the call. that i thought it was inadvertent and meaningless. and that i hate seeing matches decided on technicalities w/ short time. Brook's father watched it and text me that Aaron said Zahid had previously been warned in the match. which, to me, changes everything.
  12. you know that Biden is the current president right? and you know that inflation is through the roof, right? if the answer to those are 'yes,' i don't understand your question/confusion.
  13. morality lessens from fundamentalists to the freest nation in the globe. wonderful.
  14. bummer for me for sure. cost me a lot of money and put me out of work for a while (and i wasn't even found in violation of it). anyway - good for others going forward. the criticism i've heard against it is that (and idk how) it hurts high level execs.
  15. yes Wentzel is leaving/left
  16. higher minimum wage cause inflation which causes 'rising cost of living' The Biden admin has done wonders in that department.
  17. we havin' another mental breakdown this morning, kiddo?
  18. pfft. no idea. he's still registered there though. i'm still going with Kenny, undersized as he may be. https://rokfin.com/article/17161/Cadet-Trials-Contenders-and-Picks
  19. i'd pay @WrestlingRasta at least $22/hr to make me a steak
  20. Agree. especially if the 'drops to knees' comes when foot is already in the zone. however, i think the officials have been doing a fairly better job and calling for '1' when it's blatantly gamed. almost like a 'continuation' situation. here's my take on it "How can anyone justify a win by criteria with a 1-1 score, both scores coming via the shot clock" How can any wrestler blame anyone but themselves when they did absolutely nothing to score? if you lose a shot clock match, that's a you problem.
  21. why not $120 to be on the safe side? i mean, inflation and all.
  22. live in state college, train at David Taylor's club and NLWC
  23. can politicians make money off 1) it and 2) stopping it ?
  24. so did Blaze at 55
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