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Everything posted by Husker_Du

  1. lol. get lost, oh enlightened one. it's possible for people in their home country to do just fine.
  2. no. i find it hilarious (though right on brand) for Democrats to posit 1) america is terrible and we're all oppressed. and capitalism sucks 2) we should have empathy for law breaking asylum seekers because they can't have a good life in their home country and america is the only place they can have a good life.
  3. you can try to squirm all you want. your posts are still up. no need to waste my time when your inaccuracies are clear for all to see.
  4. 1) it happened in Iowa 2) i showed you other examples of dem megadonors now giving to haley 3) MAGA does not like RFK, you buffoon. 4) if you think Haley truly has traction and is going to win the nomination, i got a bridge to sell you. it reeks of 'hope' as opposed to logic. again, don't die on this hill. you had a bad take. accept it. take your L. bye Felicia.
  5. "And Christian is emblematic of so many people i talked to today."
  6. alternatively, you could call your opponent a segregationist and then that opponent could win and ask you to be his VP b/c you check all the identity politics boxes.
  7. the NCAA sets the coaches rankings up for failure and criticism. 1) they were turned in last friday and not released until after an enormous batch of results 2) you have to have 8 matches to get ranked 3) the coaches have to designate the correct 'starter' or you can't vote for them. so this is the crap we get.
  8. i wouldn't file this in the 'duck' category. Smith just got teched by McKee and despite Smith's hth over Ramos there's no way Smith gets seeded anywhere close to him. Smith needed this match more than Matt.
  9. if any of you think Carter F'in Starocci was scared to wrestle Shane Griffith, who lost to TRFR Lorenzo Norman this year and Matt Olguin and Mikey Caliendo last year and who beat Cade Devos in OT and 157lber Terrell Barraclough 2-1 this season i need you to delete your account on here. TIA
  10. nor i. but i would only have confirmed the theory that i am, in fact, a fascist it's incredible how that term has been bastardized.
  11. what?! 1) it was not republican driven. 2) it was decided on by one woke ass ivy-educated judge 3) there is no legal foundation to do so.
  12. “Bye Felicia”?? My teenager says that when he says something stupid to his sister walking through the kitchen. Shouldn’t you be in arts and crafts time?!
  13. i wonder why MSM doesn't want you to do your own research lol
  14. ah. roger that. thanks Vak.
  15. i know everything seems politically charged. and the MSM and the WH claims it is, too. but in Hunter's case i think the opposite is clearly true. if this guy and his laundry list of activities wasn't connected to a political figure he would have been in trouble long ago.
  16. good question. sounds like some wires were crossed. iirc both the prosecutor and the defense agreed to drop the gun charges but it was the judge who said 'whoa. i can't agree to that.' i could be wrong though. can't keep them all straight.
  17. another person talking about the author/s instead of the validity and substance of the actual message. did i say anything incorrect?
  18. agree with Offthemat. to go further they went through like five DNC chairs (3 in one cycle) in the recent past. and they essentially hand picked hillary and shafted others (namely Bernie). there's nothing democratic about them regarding their OWN party far less the political process of america where they want obfuscated elections filled with votes from non citizens and no voter ID to removing Trump from state ballots on a whim. it's gross. idk how anyone could be a democrat.
  19. Here's how i see it: people never really care about policy. what they care about is the soap opera of politics: the rhetoric, the appearance, the virtuous speeches and fake smiles. until.... things get really bad. then they start caring about what they should have cared about the entire time: the policy that affects our lives. imo, this is where Dimon is coming from at the moment. i honestly don't care (and i don't think anyone really should) about who is the more evil candidate. i care about the how their policies are going to affect the citizens of this country.
  20. I don't think EV's are a bad thing. i think they are the future (even if they are nonsensical). but to mandate and tariff before they are viable is total bullshit.
  21. Ban Basketball reacts to every post like it's an obligation.
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