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Everything posted by Formally140

  1. This is the truth. It also gets discouraging as a coach because people who weren’t willing to coach someone up are coming in and stealing their kids
  2. Some schools are very much about “their” guys. Doesn’t matter how good you are
  3. This sounds like a cluster unfortunately
  4. Apparently they’re deciding on a ban or not from USA wrestling
  5. You’re being deliberately obtuse about the overall trends…
  6. Wrestling community in a nutshell. Proposal: Hey maybe we should do similar things to the organizations that have made their sports Uber successful and popular… Wrestling people… “ahhhhh!!! Nooooo!! change is scary. Let’s keep doing same things and watch sport keep shrinking.. and just blame it on “da kids these days” and um to the person saying without riding time people will just stall on bottom… no
  7. No.. your attitude about Bono and askren is naive is what I’ve said from the get go. Especially because most of it looks like resentment of Askren and irritation he’s not sending kids to Wisconsin.
  8. The way you’re reading the situation and the people
  9. I know a lot more than you’d think. Your attitude about it comes across as naive
  10. Doesn’t the bill of rights prohibit cruel and unusual punishment
  11. Like I said, this type of behavior has been quietly growing
  12. Across the board and in wrestling. It’s just usually isn’t going viral. That leaves out older stories I’ve been told about what happened before phones. Especially to schools like OPRF and city schools when they went certain places.
  13. Again, no pity for anyone who plays the victim after being belligerent. Especially one one who is okay with the Ferraris behavior the way you are
  14. Why you gotta attack me like that Jason kidding
  15. Okie dokie poor guy. Do you need a safe space to recover
  16. I mean you are either okay with the Ferraris behavior in general or became okay with it because you’re desperate for team points. That screams a lot about you.. whether or not you like it.. Add in the fact that you’re arguing with non psu fans that just understand wrestling and think what you think about the trends of Iowa and PSU… you set up a lot for yourself.. Besides, I’ll never have pity for the people that suddenly become “poor lil victims” when they get criticized
  17. No you… not him. Especially because I see potential layers to this
  18. I get you don’t like Askren but his opinion about Bono isn’t out of nowhere
  19. They “feel” cheated
  20. There’s a lot more of less well known cases of this happening I’ve been seeing more and more of lately. Parents and kids think anytime they or theirs lost they got “cheated”
  21. I’m pretty sure it was at oak park. And yeah.. not good
  22. Him Noto among many others
  23. He’d never have been even looked at by PSU if he wasn’t coached up by Sioredas for 4 years. shrug. at this point I think most upper level coaches see the end result and just are trying to win as much as they can before it all comes crashing down
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