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Everything posted by Formally140

  1. That’s where the disparity always comes in. Not stipends but everything else. It sucks.
  2. The Izzy voodoo is real
  3. The original list had non d1 lol
  4. Pretty sure Decatur wrestled D3
  5. I was referring to the people who move out of state lol
  6. Dad coach/club culture burns out and/or peaks too soon for a lot of their kids early. That isn’t just my opinion, several top coaches in the state, have told me thats what they think. One even flat out said they don’t like the way it is but they put up with it to “acquire” the talent to win
  7. I almost edited to say Chicagoland or Chicago suburbs. But to be honest I love noticed that the suburban people who move away always claim to be from “Chicago” and “Chicago tuff” even if they’re from Wheaton or Schaumburg. So I figured it’d be okay lol
  8. Illinois is a top 2-4 state consistently. They just never keep enough Chicago kids home
  9. If you want to raise your self esteem and to claim the macho aspect of being a wrestler through other people accomplishments. Do you I didn’t make up anything. I said what it looks like given the timeline and the realities behind PED use and “testing”. And what I see when I watch him wrestle. Especially because he wasn’t the same wrestler at 57kg after. Again, if you don’t like it. Fine. But you have a clear emotional investment in it that I don’t. Trying to claim expertise like a singers entourage doesn’t change that.
  10. I’m well aware of how hard wrestling is. I’d honestly be willing to bet I have a much deeper and intimate understanding than you. In fact that understanding is why I don’t really hold it against Fix if that’s why he’s declined. If you don’t like what I’m saying fine. If you’re privy to inside info. cool. If you’re sensitive about it because of other things that have happened.. that’s on you. But don’t try to pull the “well you guys just weren’t high level enough to understand”. Especially you. Besides. If what the other poster said about watching Fix after his matches with his dad. That explains it better than any potential PED usage.
  11. I watched you talk down Spencer’s world medals. Especially because it looked like he went the weight Fix wasn’t at. The difference this time is that it’s someone you have a bias for rather than against
  12. I could poke holes, but I know you’re a fan of his. I don’t particularly care. Just looking at the situation as I see it. What I know about PEDs, high level competition, cutting weight and the rest. If you want to believe that it didn’t affect him. Go ahead
  13. Don’t have a problem with it. Just curious if it is or isn’t involved with BTS after what the other poster said.
  14. His wrestling changed when he had to constantly wrestle other grown men you mean. Not really twisting facts for a narrative bud
  15. Well the listed location is the Midway BTS location
  16. The location listed is the exact same location as the BTS facility
  17. Field wasn’t nearly what it would normally be. In a non Olympic weight in an Olympic year. Again, no I’ll will towards him personally. I’m also well aware you’re friends with the family. Just me watching him wrestle.
  18. I haven’t heard anything like that. The recent college guy running a location is the older Madrigal. Either a club decided to go under the BTS umbrella or they’re waiting till the gala to reveal it officially
  19. Very specifically said, “watching” him actually wrestle.
  20. Situation is what it is. Pretty clear actually watching him wrestle that he hasn’t been the same since.. things happened. Hold no ill will to him. Just is what it is
  21. City of Chicago is potentially on a trajectory to improve. Depends on how a few things shake out. We’ll see Won’t get to the suburbs level but much better. Hopefully. Columbus Oh has rapidly improved. GA won’t take the next step until they build more depth. Yeah it’s nice when Archer and Colon’s Hill enjoy their 5 years of open enrollment. But they need more “programs” to build depth
  22. Rooting for Richards but tough to bet against Gilman
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