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Everything posted by Formally140

  1. The word I heard from people I trust is that Joni was coming late to practice, stupid overweight and just straight up allowed to do things Smith never has let fly Edit JoJo
  2. I said started the erosion
  3. Not at all what I’m referring to. I thought about putting a caveat to make that clear
  4. Same with people that have only lasted at any job 2-3 years max before having to move on for one reason or another
  5. USA Wrestling been playing a lot of whack a mole lately with certain stories..
  6. Isn’t the preferential treatment the older son got part of what started eroding the culture there?
  7. I thought willie said that Smith was planning on retiring after this year? Or is he waiting till Fix graduates
  8. This is part of why I think the poaching has gotten so bad. I think some coaches are trying to win as much as they can before it all crashes down
  9. Ah, hence you saying possibly. I appreciate understatement
  10. I don’t think it’s “active”.. just doing the not giving any resources or attention, then when the results are subpar, victim blame and say that it’s their fault they aren’t earning the right for more support. I can’t say anything other than I’ve seen it before
  11. This’ll be interesting. choose between stay with coach or money
  12. everything I saw him working on, or rather what I believe he was doing. was stuff that was going to take time to beat fruit
  13. Actually looking to address it rather than ignoring or pretending it made everyone “tougher” like some were.. will do that. Losing guys like mayab probably didn’t help the situation
  14. What are his percentage/odds of doing it?
  15. Tried messaging you. What area of the country is the investigation in
  16. Unfortunately that doesn’t include several that should have one pending as well. But it is what it is if the people who were affected don’t come forward
  17. Good interview. Glad he actually is upfront about addressing the.. tension and infighting going on in the Greco community. Ignoring it, and acting like everything is normal.. while it caused massive issues so close to a world championship the other year. I agree about his point that the older generation “had” to make do with less coaching and support, which makes them believe doing it is something that can continue to be done. But after a certain point that attitude some of the older generation has just comes across as petulant adolescence… Don’t complain about wanting more coaching and support. Then say “nah we don’t need it cause we is so tough and special”. More quality coaching and stability that lets the athletes just focus on training will lead to more results. It’s not complicated. Overall I like what I saw and good interview. Hopefully Greco will sort out its drama
  18. I know madrigal is looking at moving up too
  19. You’re better than the no true Scotsman fallacy
  20. I know several that have. They just did it later when they knew they plateaued in the styles you dislike. Don’t worry. I not trying to change you or convince you
  21. If you include smaller schools. There’s a lot more colleges with wrestling than people think. I think those guys are becoming coaches and starting clubs
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