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Everything posted by Bigbrog

  1. You know what would be awesome...to be able to have a conversation with people that think differently and truly listen to them and not instantly assume certain things about what they believe and who they support. People sure do love their labels and name calling...before they even listen to what they truly believe and who they truly support. I know...I know...I do this at times as well, but I truly enjoy learning about how people think and why they think the way they do, even if in the end I don't agree, 99% of the time I do respect them and their opinion.
  2. Come on Plasi...seriously?!?! So generalistic and oversimplified. For one you'd probably get a different answer from every single person when asked what does it mean to be a conservative or even what does "Make America Great Again" mean. Secondly, I have yet to meet a conservative that resists change and wants to move backwards. It is the philosophical/idealistic things that get people labeled conservative not a specific time period in our history. What you described is probably the absolute minority and fringe. If you and others who get their undies in a bunch over "Make America Great Again" I assume you get them equally in a bunch over Biden's "Build American Back Better"? My opinion, they both mean essentially the same. The majority of people want the US not only to continue to be the best but keep making it better.
  3. Let's let this resonate here..."The US is the biggest support of Islamic terror groups in the world" WTF!!!! And someone agrees with that statement...yikes! Got to love the internet
  4. Mouth is watering!
  5. Dude...get help...seriously
  6. If you have to defend or even try and define socialism....that says all you need to know...yikes
  7. I just find it humorous that people use "fact checked" websites for their truth and then swear by it. I have used them before as a point of my information gathering on a topic but by no means are they the be all of everything "true". I found that most of the sites use indirect things to prove or disprove things..ex, "Biden wasn't telling the truth because he said that thing happened on a Wed when in fact it happened on a Tue', when the day of the week had nothing to do with the topic...or the "fact checkers" take things out of context. It was really bad on CNN for Trump and Covid crap. Oh and the irony of people trying to bash others about just believing everything they read on the internet, then prove they are right by saying they used a "fact checking" website...can't make this stuff up
  8. jross...keep up the good fight against these idiots
  9. Don't support him...never have...so you and GWN can go back to your love affair with each other and make crap up about people and infer things that aren't true, When are you going to "cancel" yourself again?
  10. LOL...first off...I know nothing of the guy....I think most of the politicians in the "limelight" are iditols...I support Israel...period...so what are you angry about??
  11. Uh oh...peoples heads are going to explode!
  12. Please show me where I have defended or excused anything someone has done. Did I defend Tuberville?? No I did not. And a new word "MAGAville"....care to explain what the means since you won't explain MAGA.
  13. And??? What does it mean to be a MAGA and how do I carry it's water?
  14. But that's a teacher...how can you even question them...they are the experts....
  15. Yes...love first to hear what MEGA even means and then how I am in fact carrying it's water.
  16. Please explain to me how what I said means I carry MEGA water?? Hitting grandma's cough medicine again??
  17. Exactly! One of the biggest blow hard hypocrites on here.
  18. Oh yeah...guess who wants Israel running things...the president of the USA...who I am sure you voted for. So go ahead and keep defending the terrorists.
  19. You know what is stupid...YOU...literally look at what you posted. Keep defending Hamas...clearly you choose not to answer my questions if you'd rather have Hamas running things or Israel. Hamas is a terrorist organization...there isn't even a debate...other than by you...and I guess Rasta.
  20. You could say that about most politicians
  21. Because Rasta knows apparently
  22. Agree with what Rasta posted...but there are others on here not saying this, they are defending Hamas and making excuses for them.
  23. Yep...and people would hate him if he never did anything wrong and cured cancer. And I would love to see where anyone is blaming the victim
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