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Everything posted by nhs67

  1. Let me catch Olejnik's punk-ass outsidr. Edit: Unrelated to him winning. Wants to poke people in the eyes repeatedly? I got something for him. That said, great win. Amine quit wrestling.
  2. That first TD by Lovett was wild.
  3. Hardy-Mendez is a fun match to watch.
  4. DeAuggie just tore something bad. Ungar was up 5-1 at the time.
  5. It wasn't a plopper. A strwaky dark puddle centered in on that bitch.
  6. Same.
  7. Dake took two losses at this tournament his true frosh season as well, iirc...
  8. So Amine and Griffith have a sort of bet over whi can get ridden longer?
  9. D'Emilio! Clutch!
  10. This was pretty neat...
  11. I have to have my pool drained. It's also got me pissed off. He isn't worth three pennies right now, to me. Embarrassing.
  12. They were never teammates.
  13. Norman wasn't even in the room last year. Edit: TRUE Frosh.
  14. That Shane Griffith doesn't win a match at NCAAs this year at 174lbs let alone even come close to sniffing Sta(l)rocci's jock strap.
  15. Ship him back. I don't want this bum wearing Maize and Blue. Zero ***ducking** effort. None. Against ***ducking** Stanford. Embarrassing. Time to break out the hard liquor.
  16. What what I know they are actually paying him, he should provide at least a small amount of effort.
  17. Talk about ***ducking** embarrassing here. HFS. Ridden the entire second period without trying a damn thing. By a true frosh. That was smaller than him. From his last college.
  18. Is Griffith even ***ducking** trying here? What the ***duck**?
  19. No, I get that, but Scott lost to Blaze and is still seeded above him. There should be exceptions if the seed is off that badly.
  20. Feldman was controlling and dominant. I am excited to see his potential match against Fernandes - who is grossly underseeded.
  21. My neighbors grandson just shit in my pool. I am so annoyed right now.
  22. Good.
  23. As I said this Chittum got a takedown... riding him to get below 1:00 and he does. 45S to go in the 2nd.
  24. Fix was expected, last I think anybody saw/knew.
  25. Nini got a throw and N2 on Chittum and has been coasting. Currently up 5-2 with riding time in the 2nd.
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