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Mr. PeanutButter

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Everything posted by Mr. PeanutButter

  1. Read what, exactly? You're not saying anything.
  2. tap out. You scared or something? I'm confused as to what your point was this entire time. Help a boy out
  3. What exactly should I be reading? You asked a question about Hidlay's underhook. It was answered. What did I miss? If you have something profound that you think people are missing, maybe better writing on your part is the answer?
  4. No one called you a fool. Neither did anyone call you a dancer. Yeah, someone did say your underhooks may have sucked but that was after you admitted you never used an underhook in your life so how is that an insult? It's simply a deduction based on your own statement. You were, on the other hand, the first to resort to name calling, using "boy" in an obviously demeaning way. On that note, are you aware of the historical and cultural backdrop to that term and why it may, ah, not be kosher to throw around so lightly these days? Edit: ah, I have been mistaken. Somebody did call you a dancer. But there shouldn't be any shame in that. Dancing is fun!
  5. Life on this board would be a lot better for everyone if the trolls were just completely ignored. I know it's hard, I struggle with it as well. The obtuse individual in this thread has no interest in contributing to any meaningful discussion. They get off on getting under people's skin. It's rather sad. They should be pitied, left alone, and allowed to pass on peacefully.
  6. I wish they had never done the co-hodge but the year you are referring to was probably a stronger candidate for the dual award than when Spencer and Gable won it.
  7. Those are some nice takes. I really like Yianni - his drive, mentality, and style. But, for the sake of chaos, I predict he doesn't win his 4th. I'm contractually obligated to always pick Spencer Lee, other than that, I like the 125 take. Who do you think is the front runner to emerge at 125? Beau Bartlett is boring as hell. I'm sure he's a good, hard working kid, but I would be annoyed if he won 141 with his style.
  8. Wasn't that a different year? If not, the greater point is that the committee eschewed criteria and turned the Hodge into a seniority/career accomplishment award.
  9. A few years ago, some jabroni actually voted for AOC for the Hodge. The committee will obviously vote whichever way their hearts point them towards, official criteria be damned. It'd be super sweet if Lee won the Hodge. But, c'mon, how do you give a season award to someone who likely will wrestle less than half the matches of the other contenders. It literally makes no sense! But that's the Hodge these days. Zain Retherford had one of the most dominant seasons in modern wrestling history but the committee awarded the Hodge to Dieringer because he was older. What a joke
  10. Cael and Co absolutely can't do no wrong. Austin Desanto taking 20 shots against RBY == Desanto is stalling (because he's obviously not trying to finish those shots, he's just trying to tease out a stall call). Van Ness making a few milquetoast level changes/fakes == Paniro is stalling. Nothing could be more obvious, the ref is a fool! In some ways, I think that board is actually worse than HR. I can't stand some of the ridiculous takes on HR (Ironbird, ugh), but at least there is some semblance of a varied discussion there as opposed to the endless parroting that happens on BWI. HR is a better destination if you're seeking a laugh. BWI is more legible, but boring.
  11. I'm not watching live... Was there a double forfeit at HWT or something? Edit: nvm
  12. I understand the anger. I too, am tired of all the missed matches (unfortunately, my team does it the most). But like you alluded to, Lehigh isn't really notorious for ducking. Maybe there is a benign and reasonable explanation here - injury, illness?
  13. Does Bastida bump up to face Kerk?
  14. It would be pretty funny, although I don't see the utility nor do I think any reasonable person should claim ducking. Yeah, Dean would probably sit out in this scenario but Brooks vs Yonger is still an intriguing match-up. Possibly more so than Dean vs Yonger since Brooks might not be able to capitalize on Bastida's par terre weakness as much as I think Dean would.
  15. Tuning in a little late but it seems like the matches that have been uploaded thus far (125-157) have very choppy framerate. I've tried a number of different devices with the same experience across all of them. Anyone else having a similar experience? The livestream (currently at intermission) seems to be playing smoothly.
  16. It's as good a guess as any. I wouldn't bet on it, but it would be cool to see him at the soldier salute
  17. I spent this past weekend in the wilderness. It was time well spent but had the unfortunate side effect of putting me behind on all the wrestling I would like to consume. Wondering if you kind folks had suggestions on matches or events I should pay particular attention to? Time is limited during the work week
  18. Next thing you know he'll be saying Glory to 157, Quincy back up to 165
  19. about one hundred and forty-three
  20. I like to eat pants
  21. What is Minnow's batting average these days, 25%? Still, it's plausible. Princeton has forfeited the last few duals at 125. I hope it's not true. I want to see Lee vs Glory
  22. Was really impressed with Carr against Kennedy. I'm obviously biased but I was thinking that match would be competitive since Kennedy did beat both Peytons this summer (Robb and Hall). Is anybody taking Carr against O'Toole?
  23. I have heard and read that he is injured. I do not know to what extent. The medical redshirt idea (now that I think about it, I believe Willie said it) was just a speculation; it didn't sound like inside info
  24. Someone on one of the podcasts I listen to (I think it was Baschmania) theorized that Courtney could try for a medical redshirt this year and Figs could in turn use an olumpic redshirt next year, there preserving max eligibility for both wrestlers. Could it work? I think so. The hard part might be getting both wrestlers on board. Figs looks ready to rock right now
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