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Everything posted by BruceyB

  1. Another thought related to stalling.. With the prevalence of wrestlers defending leg attacks looking to get a hand/foot off of the wrestling mat for a reset, what if that was dinged an automatic stall call. That way, if you float to the edge and are hit in a single, you must defend while standing "in-bounds" or take the stall call. This would create more continuous action and would more than likely greatly change edge tactics as they currently stand. Instead of stepping off the mat being rewarded, it would have a ramification.
  2. I was just rewatching some recent NCAA finals, and obviously it's nothing new, but when did we decide that blatant stalling is acceptable as long as they don't do it for more than 5 seconds? This is the most obvious in rideout scenarios where a wrestler will drop to a leg, wait for the referee to count to 4, climb up, and then once bottom wrestler starts working up again, drop back down for an additional 4 count. It seems so blatantly obvious that the top guy is not only not looking to turn, but is not even putting on an actual ride, but just clinging to an ankle. If nothing else, the most simple answer seems to be to not have a verbal count that informs the stalling wrestler how much longer they have before the call comes, but to stay silent and at least let an internal clock count for the top wrestler. Referees don't count out loud when the bottom wrestler gets to their feet and the top wrestler needs to return them.. why do referees treat the drop down differently? There are plenty of stalling scenarios I have gripes with, but the fact that in certain situations, the stalling wrestler is given a "countdown warning" but in many others they are not, seems very arbitrary. Before warning a top wrestler that is riding parallel, or a bottom wrestler that isn't improving their position, why don't they get a countdown before stalling is granted? This applies to so many scenarios.. Maybe it's too much for one thread, but it's similar to how a wrestler can hold position without taking a shot for the first three minutes of a match and end the first 0-0 without a warning, but if a wrestler has the lead with 30 seconds to go and holds position, they can get dinged twice for stalling because the desperate wrestler is shooting/moving forward (ala Carter Young vs McDougald last week). I would love to hear other's thoughts on these scenarios and if/how they could be improved. PS: as a new member, I am happy to have a place to discuss wrestling. I have long time friends that I wrestled with in high school, but they were never "fans" of the sport. It's fun to hear the thoughts and share thoughts with others who have such a love for the sport.
  3. Is there a Ramos that I'm unaware of? I don't think a former national runner-up really fits this category..
  4. I would not be gobsmacked if either Wyatt or Greg beat Gable at the tournament. I certainly wouldn't predict it, but I would be less gobsmacked than when Caldwell beat Metcalf. Hot take.
  5. I forget who was in an interview recently but they said something about how they practice less at PSU than a lot of schools, and they all talk about how they just have fun wrestling. If you think DT is in there grinding these guys early and is going to burn them out by march, that would go against everything he learned from his mentor/coach.
  6. Rudis has his birthday as 1/5/2007. I hope you don't lose your mind at my mentioning of his age again. But this furthers the cause that he will a year older than most when he graduates, but that's not that odd, and not even remotely odd in the wrestling world.. especially when talking about kids that are undersized for high school when they are in junior high.
  7. For second..
  8. Sorry, the first part of my post was a poorly executed joke in response.
  9. Come on, there are plenty of options where they could be taller than their head coach. But I'd agree that if I was going to transfer, if a former teammate that you got along has good things to say about where they went, I know that would be a big selling point for me. Having in this situation, two guys that you know already there would make transitioning into a new school, new town, new team, etc. much less daunting. Not to mention that of the teams with money, Iowa is the only one without a quality 125 right now. Deep pockets don't hurt their cause.
  10. Julian Ramirez beat David Carr early last season, then when the two teams met for a dual later in the season, Ramirez (along with just about the rest of Cornell's team) sat out to prevent hurting their seeds in March. This ended up with Ramirez getting the 3 seed and Carr the 4 last year. KOT should have had a clear path to the finals, and Carr and Mesenbrink should have wrestled in the Semis to get there. Just one very blatant example. But if you look back, that was supposed to be an awesome dual to watch, and then when the lineups were announced, Cornell benched everyone that was going to be in an exciting matchup. It's just brutal for the sport when there is an exciting matchup scheduled, and leading up there is all of this speculation and build-up, and then the guy doesn't show last minute.
  11. "A Junior World champion at 15 years old, Jimmy placed sixth at the 1971 Senior World Championships as a 16-year-old and competed in the 1972 Olympics as a 17-year-old high school junior, becoming the youngest American wrestler to compete in the Olympics." Just in case anyone isn't aware, Jimmy Carr is David Carr's uncle.
  12. Is this supposed to be a joke? If so, I don't follow. My last post was in response to someone saying Hamiti and O'Toole have never met in college, and I responded that they wrestled in the All-Star 2 or 3 years ago, and that Hamiti could challenge O'Toole.. So I stated their last folkstyle match and that despite the result, it would be an interesting match-up. Can you explain how your response now, please?
  13. Anyone know what they were doing at the dual? Was this a visit, or did Ok St fly the family out? I can't imagine they would pay for a trip to Stillwater for a single dual.
  14. On FRL they said that one of the Brands brothers said the whole at 125 would be addressed "soon." I forget the exact wording, but the inference was they had someone coming in this season.
  15. IIRC Surber did take a few committed shots, but he never really go close to locking around a leg. I don't remember thinking that he should get hit, but I could be wrong if I rewatched the match. Regardless, Smith looked like the better wrestler in that match.
  16. They wrestled at the All-Star a 2 or 3 years ago. Keegan really controlled the entire match IIRC. But that match was years ago, so I completely agree he could make things interesting.
  17. I could absolutely be wrong, but I have been a fan of Ok St for a long time, and John Smith is one of my favorite wrestlers and guys to listen to talk about wrestling of all time. But I haven't seen this kind of a pace and pursuit of scores across the roster in the last ten+ years. They have had better teams, but even then they didn't pursue scores the way the guys seemed to tonight. That could be because it's a fresh room with a new coach, and that could be a temporary bump (we see bad NFL teams surge under interim coaches due to culture change). But the fun of fandom is speculation, and I don't think you could have hoped for a better first month and a half as an Okie St fan.
  18. After tonight's dominating win over VT it looks like the Coach Taylor message is having an impact. In the past have we seen OSU come out in a dual like this and look sluggish, tired, and guys looking complacent to just get out of the building with a win. From 125-285 every single guy went out and wrestled hard. Guys were pushing for majors and techs with short time in the third period rather than being satisfied with their lead. Even Amine scored a takedown in the third and was pushing for another in short time. It looks like an OSU team that is wrestling with a different mindset than they have years. Ok St fans must be excited. If they get used to wrestling with this kind of mindset, they will be some very tough outs come march.
  19. Catch-up.
  20. Absolutely crazy scramble with Surber ending up on top. So close to giving up neutral danger, and being taken down 2 or 3 times but somehow ends up with the TD.
  21. With how hard Taylor is pushing these guys to go out and score points from beginning to the last second of the match.. They look like a different OSU team.
  22. Wow. Hamiti. Wow.
  23. It was promising for OSU fans that Amine at least pushed for the major towards the end. Typically he would settle for the 4-1 win.
  24. That was a lot of fun. Hipolito has to be such a strange and unconventional feel. It will be a lot of fun to see how he progresses as he continues to get adjusted to folk.
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