No issue with her speaking out against biological men in women’s sports.
But no, I don’t like grifters.
No, that video was not funny and I’m not sure if even many anticovidvaxxers would find it funny. I’ve certainly seen plenty of videos I’ve found funny that I haven’t agreed with, but that wasn’t one of them.
I was anti lockdown and closing schools after about the first 2 months, anti vax mandate, but pro vaccine in general as it was proven to very effective against reducing hospitalizations and deaths, even infections until Omicron. I don’t care if people take ivermectin but it has not shown effectiveness against covid (or cancer lol), so it should not be touted as a replacement for the vaccine which Gaines is doing (despite saying she chose to take ivermectin instead of the vaccine when she got Covid in 2020 before the vaccine existed, so she’s either lying or an idiot, maybe both). Besides, she’s a 20-something former D1 athlete, I was told Covid was just a cold for people like that, why would she even need anything?