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Everything posted by headshuck

  1. I had no idea there were so many similar slogans before Trump. Did any of them make it onto a red, white or blue cap?
  2. “Well.. Now in 2024, we will have a 1 seat majority in the House of Representatives. Congratulations Freedom Caucus for one and 105 Rep who expel our own for the other. I can assure you Republican voters didn’t give us the majority to crash the ship. Hopefully no one dies.”
  3. I can’t think of one person in my vast real network that has ever uttered the term MAGA. Yet, online it’s used daily as a slur.
  4. Calling everyone that has a differing opinion than you MAGA is just dumb. I’m pointing out that freeze framed photos of every person in the videos will be problematic but I think they have no choice. Good thing for groups of people with their faces covered.
  5. I don’t know if I’ve ever seen a sirloin cap at the butcher up north.
  6. If they couldn’t bring Hillary’s emails to light, it seems unlikely that anything significant will be left to find after so much time has passed.
  7. Yours are probably much specialer. Gotta keep the thread alive.
  8. Pellet grill smoked pork chops.
  9. It could be they’re only providing enough evidence to begin an impeachment investigation.
  10. See. That means “sprawl.” Giving it away.
  11. I think part of the reason for PSUs success is they’ve developed a method of signaling strategy without showing their lips. Contrast that with the Brands’ for example, who crudely yell out strategy and point fingers for all to hear and see.
  12. Steveson might still go which bumps Kerk to the bottom bracket.
  13. X has overtaken Twitter on Trends. Threads still barely registering.
  14. I think we’ll be surprised when X becomes much more than a social media site.
  15. Maybe there will be a wholesale change of who the advertisers on X will be. For every Disney there is a Home Depot.
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