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Everything posted by headshuck

  1. State reps won’t vote for this because they’d be out of compliance on day 1.
  2. If an establishment gets caught selling underage patrons alcohol they could lose their license. The temptation is always there to cheat for more sales.
  3. God help us if she’s the Biden replacement.
  4. I’m just happy Teslas stock is up 50% over last month even with Biden admin headwinds.
  5. Are you on Web or Tapatalk? Might make a difference.
  6. Problem is, other people quote him and you see the worst posts amplified anyway.
  7. I support the change in policies that will come with the lesser weevil.
  8. Really? Haha! GreatWhite once scolded me for misunderstanding that Biden’s dementia was simply a studder.
  9. I like that but which bloodsucking parasite representative sneaks it in? You mean maybe an admin?
  10. The Past. Anything else will be a burden.
  11. Will Biden step down on the 4th of July when the most everyone is taking the day off?
  12. Anything juicy is always dropped on a holiday.
  13. Or invest in undergrads when you can buy masters.
  14. I believe they were in on the charade. They hoped the handlers would get Biden propped up like they did for the State of the Union, then send him back to the basement until November.
  15. Why do we have a press secretary? It’s such a joke.
  16. We all know Biden doesn’t lie, it’s just an old man that can’t recall anything accurately so we should forgive him.
  17. Heading over to YouTube, could I get a few links? Thanks in advance.
  18. Are we talking tax returns or ballots?
  19. Jayson was one of the last great pinners though. He’d go the pin like a dog on a bone.
  20. It might be appropriate for these people to get a visit from the secret service.
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