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Everything posted by headshuck

  1. There’s searchable evidence of a million crimes by politicians. Sometimes there enough pressure to do something with it.
  2. Biden’s fast food czar will step in and limit your number of fries and burger size. And solar fries will be the rage when deep fat fryers are eliminated.
  3. That’s not fair. Just because one Lunatic always says something like that…
  4. We could provide free pork sandwiches for those that return for their court dates?
  5. I’d be up for taking $4 billion of the $100 billion sent to Ukraine to double our budget.
  6. I think the song resonated with people all over the country. He doesn’t like politicians using his song to divide. Makes sense.
  7. I wonder how many folding chairs they are bringing?
  8. He’s back on X tonight after 2+ years away.
  9. Yeah ok. I suppose television viewership is more scientific. Both are kinda like our election system. View early, view often.
  10. On a side note, on average, how many internet accounts do you think a media professional has?
  11. What if I each exec watched with their work account and home account?
  12. Yes because thousands of execs at legacy media companies watched it multiple times.
  13. 238 million views of Trump/Tucker interview in less than 24 hours. Reports say Fox News had 12.8 million views of the debate.
  14. “The President committed that the United States would be the world’s arsenal for vaccines – “
  15. Haha, it will be interesting to see if there are accurate reports of viewership of mainstream television vs X. Do you think Biden will go on X for a interview during democratic debates?
  16. If you look way back, I’ll bet you’d find a post “look at how tiny Trump’s inauguration crowd is compared to Obama.”
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