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Everything posted by ionel

  1. I'll bet 2.5mil CB that minnow is wrong.
  2. Most definitely ... get on it.
  3. Well they used to just push guys out just to get the stall calls. Rules were changed so the guy pushing, if thats all he was doing, could get called for stalling on the pushout. I'm thinking that was ~10 year ago but I'm too lazy to look it up.
  4. I'm expecting royalty payment for using my banana .
  5. Iowa style was clubbing & shoving. With new stalling rules it doesn't work anymore.
  6. This is the chance for you left wingers to make a fortune speculating on commodity prices and inflation. Please remember us when you become a billionaire.
  7. I'll take the under ... sorry.
  8. ... except for that group of dummies in the back ...
  9. https://www.wrestlestat.com/d1/event/duals
  10. Interesting to go back and watch this. Pat seemed unconcerned that his opponent might get to his ankle or that he might get taken down. He had so many options he was just looking to see which one opened up.
  11. ... you've said too much! @MPhillips would like a word.
  12. He already said "end of February."
  13. ... much!
  14. From that video id take Par Smith over Starocci.
  15. Pretty sure history does not say anything. Its never happened correct?
  16. Betting they'll save him for Plott, don't need him for the others.
  17. Also sounds like you are saying he was stalling because he knows he doesn't need to score.
  18. Then whats wrong with Mesenbrink? Someone needs to show that kid how its done. Does Karl realize he's gone astray?
  19. Slum Lord Bob
  20. If he has another date this will be it.
  21. Generally in aviation accidents their are minimum of chain of three mistakes/issues. If eliminate one of the three can save the event. The current ones I see from info available: 1) tower was understaffed, one controller was dealing with both the helicopter and the AA flight, it was still busy time of the day/night 2) American Airlines CJ (AA) was shooting the ILS to runway 01 after obtaining visual the tower had them circle to land on 33. Not necessarily a mistake, happens all the time, but with Blackhawk (BH) traffic coming down the river east side route then why send AA up the river over the route head on with the BH. 3) BH was asked if had visual and confirmed had visual. Again happens all the time its then his job to maintain visual separation. However with ~300 mph closer rate and other traffic, lights etc down there at 200' how do we (the tower) know he has visual on the correct traffic target. 4) Appears BH may have been too high, should've been 200' might've been 400' Break the chain of errors. (1) If two are working the problem instead of one maybe they see the conflict earlier, stop the BH or clear the AA straight in on 01 and hold ground departure and no accident. (2) If AA is given clear to land 01 or says "unable 33" then there is no circle toward the BH route on east side an no accident. (3) If BH is given immediate hold (instead of visual) and or instructed immediate decent to 200' then maybe not accident but AA is still circle to 33 and descend and might be going over top of BH at 400 so only 200' clearance - not good. (4) If BH at proper altitude maybe no accident but still a near miss given the circle to land visual 33. Given the closer rate numbers 1 and 2 above seem most critical to me at this point but the black boxes will give us much better info.
  22. Don't you think MM will be smart enough to keep the hand under one shoulder from now on just to keep the streak going? Lets just hope we don't get some stupid ref who decides to call a defensive fallpin.
  23. Sure sounds and posts like family.
  24. Then why couldn't he score an offensive point?
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