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Everything posted by ionel

  1. Is that you Jimmy? Of course this could be why he went to Iowa, he'll be taller than the coaches.
  2. ftfy
  3. ... then maybe you left wingers should stop talking.
  4. And seemed to have issues.
  5. What are the odds of someone eating their hat this week?
  6. Yes its terrible to have a President who can work on two things at once ... oh for the good ole demented Joe days.
  7. I doubt it, you should ask him. Can you image spending 2 years in East Lansing?
  8. Pretty sure he can simultaneously crush a tomato in each hand, something you never saw Hodge do.
  9. Pretty sure @PortaJohn has a song about this creature.
  10. Anyone else @PortaJohn shocked this thread is still on page 1?
  11. why not
  12. That could just be the pre vs post portajohn weight though correct?
  13. RV ^^^ paying massive income tax bill this year. Thank you on behalf of the federal government.
  14. ... they already renamed the Hodge to the Bo? * if there's already a thread on this i apologize, i only searched the first 5 pages.
  15. Is it true @BobDole is rebranding our forum to: BobsJimBoBassetBoards
  16. Should we do a new Wed thread O/U? Think the Tues was over the 8.5 maybe even the 12.5. I'd put new today closer to 4.5. Where is H3?
  17. Btw: I had a case sw wind cleared for left downwind 22 and left base which took me over 32. Regional CRJ type out of Chicago announces "on base" didn't say what runway. I immediately asked tower for position (this before new tech) informed as was fine continue close base "clear to land". Well the regional was turning off base for final 32r Tower had to make the regional go around cause I was already cleared. Got a "call tower phone #" after shut down. Usually you don't want that. He just wanted to apologize. I'd have liked to heard the other conversation cause the regional did not make proper position reports. I've been into DCA but pre 911.
  18. Yes data seems to show the hit 10 - 15 sec after the "pass behind" instruction. My original point is it takes generally takes 3 things to cause the accident chain. The first single controller didn't cause it but two controllers might have broke the chain, just like any of the other 3 could have broke it. What if they'd recieved instruction 30 sec earlier? A pilot can always say "unable" its just you might be asked to make a phone call later to explain. It's always better to still be around to explain. The two CRJ pilots discussed before they accepted. Even small planes have tech in cockpit showing other traffic its just not going to work for traffic at 200' agl. Also have had for long time tech that shows where you will be in 5, 10 etc minutes. Tower has it too. The CRJ had been cleared & accepted circle to land 33 and then cleared to land which means cleared all the way to the ground not just 400'.
  19. And your plan is?
  20. Boo!
  21. H3 seems to be AWOL ... hope he didn't get cornered/trapped over in the NWT forum. Sorry fly ... at least you saved some CB. We should let @Idaho know there's no reason to continue paying retainer.
  22. Doesn't take as long as a TF.
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