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Dark Energy

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Everything posted by Dark Energy

  1. Ok. So Monday’s ‘I choose down’ decision isn’t isolated. At the time, as witnessed by my multiple posts on the topic, I was pretty incensed by that decision. Still boggles my mind.
  2. Can someone remind me on the situation across all the brothers? Well, I got the situation on the older one that crosses double yellow lines when unable to see oncoming traffic. Age, year in school, accolades, ugly headlines on the other two?
  3. J C - I feel like you could be a very valued and respected member of the wrestling community …. If you were not so focused on being a passive aggressive putz / troll. Ever think about just being someone that helps to foster conversations and not being a putz?
  4. Fair. I would also look at level of competition. You saying margins are razor thin is also fair … thus my statement is not hyperbole!! . This is a judgement call. I respect you disagreeing with me.
  5. And I do believe he is the best folkstyle wrestler on his team. Better technique. Better speed. Better explosiveness. His demolition of Fix AND RBY are good proof points.
  6. I made it clear that it was my opinion based on what I saw and who I saw him do it too. Add to that his 2nd place finish at WTT. I still hold that opinion. That is not hyperbole. No matter how you want to redefine the word.
  7. Me thinks you don’t know the meaning of the word hyperbole.
  8. Woops, Alirez. Yes, I noticed the ref did not do well with the point signaling. I recall Gibbons questioning the ref and his repositioning. Something about putting hand down was four count. Not Gibbons? And then questioning why the ref moved to where he did when he should have shifted the other way. Doesn’t matter really. Ref counted three and the stopped. That is what he only awarded two backs. Thought the count stop at that time was reasonable since the angle of Woods’ back seems to go higher than 45 degrees. I could see questioning when the count should have started. When did Alirez gain control .. that is the key. When it ended seemed about right.
  9. He was great. The schmuck part on the Alvarez call was Gibbons saying that the ref should not have repositioned and when the ref did the ref put his hand down and that was the four count. No. The ref counted three and then stopped his count. Very easy to see. Call was changed after review. Not complicated. Oh Schmuck part number 2 … the length of the review!!!!
  10. Third tourney. Cornell roster calls him a junior. For Ivy’s junior = junior.
  11. Christians do believe Mohamed is a false prophet. Muslims believe that it is false that Jesus is the son of god / god in the flesh. Duh. Brooks expressed a tenet of his faith. Should he have? I suggest no. No need to denigrate another religion - particularly on the big stage like that. But what he said is shared across ALL non-Muslims. That is why they are not Muslim. A Muslim can be annoyed at him. But to hate him or what him injured would be ridiculous. They would hate or want to injure all non-Muslims.
  12. Deserves a dedicated thread. To me, he is the best wrestler in college, this recently ended season and next season. Again, to me. I’ve watched him more than I’ve many seen other wrestlers … ‘best’ is subjective … and I have some bias. What really stands out to me: > Highly technical. His tools chest is DEEP. Lots of attacks. Very interesting finishes. Very good defense. Admittedly, his head hands, while awesome, he does let people get to his legs. Still, all around technique, I feel no one has the depth he has or the expertise in many situations. > Crazy fast. For me, he is the fastest guy we have. Others can approach — McGee is a good example. But Vito is on an island. > Strong - not going to say he is the strongest. Not sure, but after watching him lift so many guys off the mat in a big way when getting to legs .. guy has power. He lost to Latona this year and has a very close one with McGee. True. He was ‘off’ in that window. What I’ve heard/read. Some will count this against him. Ok. Go ahead. He lost to Glory last year in semis. True. Some crazy scrambles that were determined by inches. No excuse. Shit happens. Glory wrestled great. Still feel that Vito is better based on the actual action and activity. But I believe, with all healthy, he is the best of the bunch. And way more freaking fun to watch than 99%+ of the wrestlers out there. Congrats to him. I’m very happy for him.
  13. Parris will likely get it. Deserves it. Very interesting that Steveson is even better. Shows the level Steveson is (was) on vs heavyweights in this country.
  14. I’m not a big Fix fan. Not because he isn’t a great wrestler, I just haven’t found him fun to watch in many of the folkstyle matches I’ve seen over the past few years. Still - no way you can’t feel for him. Poor guy lost his last match of the NCAA tournament all four years. Rough.
  15. What you see are people rationalizing why ‘others’ achieved what their team did not. Natural. That said, many fair points. Luck, opponents, health, etc. play a big role. No doubt. FOR EVERYONE. Makes the likelihood very low for all wrestlers. It is interesting that Cornell has 2 already when so many others have 0 and no one else has 2.
  16. I’m too lazy to look this up. But I think he did lick down. Anyone else think that was a horrible and weird choice if so???
  17. Burroughs agrees with me. You all need to as well!!! Let’s get the refs to unswallow their whistle!! Join the fight!!!
  18. All good regarding Cornell. I was emotionally drained in a good way. Ended on a very big high. I do think it is very fair to note that Penn State DOMINATED the tournament. 2 champs seeming like a down year is laughable. Just shows their level year to year. I am surprised that Cael didn’t get coach of the year.
  19. Did Vito get MOW?
  20. Oh boy. Pass the popcorn. Blowback?
  21. Should have started with the light weights — better for casual fan tuning in.
  22. Burroughs agrees with me on the top guy push / carry out. Stalling damn it.
  23. This sucks. Stupid. Come on adults in the room. You are stinking this up.
  24. Gibbons logic sucks. Ref stopped swiping at 3.
  25. This is bullshit. Not that hard to review.
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