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Dark Energy

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Everything posted by Dark Energy

  1. Bajrang Punia one of them. Has been detained. Protesting to have the chief of their federation arrested on sexual harassment related charges. https://www.reuters.com/sports/top-indian-wrestlers-detained-protest-against-federation-chief-intensifies-2023-05-28/
  2. Perhaps it is the word ‘commitment’ itself that is being flagged as the wrong word to be used. Look up what commitment means. Am thinking the ‘sic’ would mean that it is fairy tale that an actual commitment is possible given the player and the world that the player lives in.
  3. Be careful. Some posters apparently consider this language racist.
  4. @TylerDurden - I appreciate the specifics! All seem reasonable.
  5. Not getting the debate. As soon as he dove out I expected the caution. Good call per how I’ve seen called in past.
  6. Gets you all. Not cheap but it gives access to an incredible event at a far cheaper price than a Taylor Swift ticket!
  7. Dark Energy > Dark matter https://science.nasa.gov/astrophysics/focus-areas/what-is-dark-energy
  8. You forgot the most abundant thing in the universe (according to current mainstream theory)
  9. Money. It does things. Much good, but also bad. When once we had colleges that sought to balance mind and body, that saw the benefit sport … the boost in esprit de corps, the creation of bonds within the school community but also connections to their local communities and other similar schools. Student athletes. Fun sport. Good stuff. Hmmm, and then … realizations. Good sports teams help create active alumni donors … let’s invest and earn ‘revenue’ from the effort of these student athletes. Wait, we can sell tickets and get ad revenue! Let’s invest more and make more money from them …. And the slope was slippery. Millions and millions made. Powerhouses created. Rich people with desire to influence and gain prestige are attracted like moths to the light. Early incentives are morphed and altered. New incentives rise.
  10. Break from yard work. How know who is coming up on what mat? Floarena doesn’t have this.
  11. Zahid gases again. Brooks looked great as well.
  12. Ok. Nice work vs McKenna. I’ve wanted to see Nick vs Yianni. Going to see it. Nick looking good.
  13. That said, lace techs — still don’t like them.
  14. Vito - beast mode. 1 min Tech. That drag to TD to lace … beautiful.
  15. Steveson could have wrestled Hvy in college - didn’t. So another guy - Parris - wins Hvy title AND the Hodge … basically best college wrestler. Steveson and Parris meet in US Open. Freestyle .. is a TD battle. Steveson lays waste to Parris. 11-1. Comical. All hail Gable Steveson.
  16. Ref calling stalemate with Brooks in good positions vs Hall. 2 times. Brooks winning 4-1. Now 6-1. Hall just doesn’t have elite offense.
  17. Breath a sigh of relief? Hahaha.
  18. Starocci looked in serious pain with right knee after strong Dieringer double. But Starocci is continuing. Surprised. Dieringer up 4-0. Restarting down on mat. D with gut wrench. 6-0. Honestly not getting it. Knee is wrapped heavy. Clearly has issue. Not going to get on world team. Wants Olympics - don’t you pull plug and work on healing and recovering? Why risk worse injury?
  19. Nolf handling O’Toole. 9-0 end of first. The levels to this game just blow me away sometimes. Levels upon levels. —— edit to add - 2nd period going better for O’Toole. Got a TD. 9-2. Nolf was breathing heavy. No offense in 2nd. O in deep but Nolf gets away. Nolf on D through 2nd.
  20. Some people are vile.
  21. I swear some felt Nick Lee was the second coming. Was it because of his backside run at OTTs? Or was there more to it?
  22. Just watched it. Wow. 2 TDs and 2 feet to backs. 12-0 first period. He is awesome.
  23. Gotta go Nolf by wide margin. Yet, I’m intrigued. Some fantastic scrambling perhaps.
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