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Dark Energy

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Everything posted by Dark Energy

  1. Penn State ankle ride. Used against them. Ugly wrestling either way.
  2. Foot pinch. Need to change top stalling rules.
  3. Ref never put the two up. Feel it was two. Count started late.
  4. I’m enjoying them.
  5. Foca being too respectful
  6. Cardenas Vs Dean. Cardenas with first TD. Clean counter shot around corner. Finished it well. Esc Dean with a threatening hold off a scramble, Cardenas wisely bellies and Dean gets TD. Finished period on top. 2-3 Dean picks down. Out quick. 2-4. Cardenas not winning ties. Not firing. Does at end of period but nada. neutral 3rd. Dean heavy on head again and again. Jacob not firing . Fires and misses. Backs out. 45 sec. Dean blocking off. Meh. Dean wins.
  7. Brands in top position. literally picks up Foca, pivots, and carries foca OOB. no stalling. Can somebody please explain to me how this is not stalling?
  8. Nagao has arrived. Very impressive performance past 2 weeks. Excited to see his next years.
  9. Three points for TD o reversal is sounding better and better. Perhaps Tech fall margin and bonus margin needs to be adjusted up. Wrestler A gets a TD. Wrestler B gets escape and then to start 2nd period gets escape. Wrestler A should be winning. The example of Yianni Murin being at 6-4 with 3 TDs for Yianni is a great example that I also noted.
  10. Are you missing the people criticizing Lee directly?
  11. … that leads people to revel more in the defeats of others, to be joyous in others misery … … and to do this with more passion and energy than celebrating the victories and joys for those that did achieve their goals. Many prefer to tear down others and those that support those ‘others.’ Pretty gross. Pretty sad. Many on this board exemplify this sad trait. With no remorse. No realization that it shows their true and sad nature.
  12. You all are ridiculous. Spencer Lee has accomplished more and worked through adversity more than all of you put together (is my bet). The guy is freaking amazing. You have no idea what he is dealing with. This doesn’t in any way harm Iowa’s image. They care for Spencer deeply, I am sure. Bunch of horseshit losers writing a bunch of wanna be tough guy crap on this thread.
  13. I vote RBY vs Vito. Vito majoring Fix — looked awesome. I take Vito!!
  14. Dean vs Cardenas for 7th. Spicy.
  15. Watching Warner pickup Cardenas and pull him to edge and out. Then driving him out. That is stalling or fleeing the mat. Have seen it in many other matches. This needs to be called!!! Seriously driving me crazy.
  16. Vs Haines - just folded. Defense just crumbled. Vs Scott - basically says fine, take me down again. Ok. I’ll lay here. Pin me.
  17. Foca not wrestling with confidence it seems to me
  18. Lee was winning by one before TD and back / pin. @VakAttack
  19. Oh, and Monday was doing well in his feet Vs Carr.
  20. I need to know. He was ridden bad in 2nd after getting taken down. 10 seconds to get to RT for Carr. Carr is a VERY GOOD … neh … AWESOME rider. Pls … did he pick down?
  21. Kid hasn’t seemed the same. He was in bad spots multiple times this season. We shall see. I wonder if the injuries are just too much.
  22. If a coach told Monday to take bottom he should be fired.
  23. Stupidest choice. Stupid stupid stupid.
  24. Seriously!??? Did he pick down????
  25. Did Monday pick down??? 10 sec from RT? What?!
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