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Dark Energy

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Everything posted by Dark Energy

  1. Thanks for this. I can see this. I believe I’ve seen TDs that occur and legs are already laced and then a lace turn occurs and 2 points are again given. Total of 4. Seemed like this was a similar situation but I’m guessing I’m not appreciating something.
  2. Shapiro the only gold medalist for us so far. Tough battle. Was down 0-4. Next scramble got a bit hectic. Took a long time for corner to stop blood on Shapiro. Came back to win by 5 (see above).
  3. I believe it was a TD with an interesting leg hold. Clear 2. Then he used the hold to cause a turn. My view of things.
  4. Just watched Bouzakis lose to Mohit. Bouzakis was constantly firing early. Worked early. But could not turn Mohit when on top. Mohit was slick and long. Wrestled well. Seemed to turn Bouzakis without much effort. Was back and forth. I thought Bouzakis had a TD and a turn at the end but only 2 points were given. Kinda confused on that. Bouzakis was exhausted by end. Kept fighting but he wore himself out. Mohit looked much fresher. Think it was 12-11 Mohit at the end.
  5. Just watched the close Shapiro match. Got first TD. Opponent got in deep, Shapiro tried to tie it up but in process gave up two exposures. 2-4. Got TD with <1 min left to be up on criteria and then got another TD.
  6. Shapiro had a close one in quarters. Read that he had to score 2x in last minute to win 6-4. Going off of memory on reading that an hour or so ago. Then he handles the Russian cadet world champ 8-0. Saw scramble for first points. Felt a bit bad for the Russian’s right leg …
  7. All 5 US Mens freestyle wrestlers that wrestled today are in the Semis!!! Impressive.
  8. Glad you all can understand the question … ‘Is this the last year of 12th student athlete?’
  9. Because they read the original post in the thread.
  10. Jail time coming up if proved guilty. Can’t drive a 2000+ lbs hunk of life-threatening metal down the road impaired. Not right. Feel the same about passing on a blind hill / curve. Unacceptable. Need severe penalties as deterrent for other a$$holes%.
  11. Ok, let’s assume you are right. Now, let’s do some math …. (the point you are making about how uninspiring his WWE appearances have been is not being debated in my note)
  12. Well said. And the seeking of a crutch to argue, no matter it’s feebleness, seems to be a sport for some.
  13. This is crazy. BigRedFan has pointed out the right thing to do. Others are saying ‘No, I don’t care what you say. And since you appear to be Ivy educated I’m going to try to make your point sound stupid.’ A fun back and forth.
  14. @nhs67 probably doesn’t return shopping carts. Leaves in space next to his car. I picture him snapping his fingers and saying ‘I’’ll do what I want!’ as he sashays away. LOL
  15. Here is the idea …. If you try and get countered - as you likely will due to the other wrestler being better - the other team gets 2 more points. Which may not happen today if they are within a decision or Major range. Wrestlers likely to lose will do their best to NOT get scored on — perhaps more than today. Risk seems even higher.
  16. I’m lost. I don’t like lies. And stupid jokes are stupid. I believe that having more lies and stupid jokes as thread starters lowers the perceived intelligence of the collective community. More of a cesspool. Having this stance means that I should be Trump’s PR person …. ??? Need some dots connected.
  17. Wow. They are wrestling at these hours? Must be about 4am or 5am or their time.
  18. Vito loses 2-0? Surprising score. He has been prone to give up points. And is known for scoring them. Will be curious to see this one. I will say that he has improved his defense in past year it seems. Nahshon matches are a counterpoint to that. Still, only giving up 2 to a defending 57kg world champ is a good thing. Will be curious to see if Vito was on the attack.
  19. Oh, so you say they are all good. Ok, so the forum will be improved if I start the following threads … ’David Taylor commits to coaching position at UC Davis after Olympics’ So funny! ’USA wrestling back tracks summarily back tracks on 3 point near fall’ Gut is hurting I’m laughing so hard ‘Little Rock drops program after escrow funds are embezzled’ So good … yea, let’s start posting a ton of clearly not likely thread starters as if they are real. Makes the board so much better. You win.
  20. Serious suggestion - bold face lies should be shunned as thread starters. Posters that do it as well. Reminds me of another thread a while back. Person just wished something to be true so posted it as such. Brings down the enjoyment of the forum. Collective lowers intelligence. Makes it a cesspool.
  21. https://www.insidethegames.biz/articles/1138045/mikhail-mamiashvili-paris-2024-tanks Article on the statement. Love tough guys. Country is an embarrassment at this point.
  22. Cursing can become distracting and seem low brow. Can go too far. When they start talking about having sex with wife in shower and something about their kid interrupting / seeing them … raunchy coverage - definitely too far in my book. @Jason Bryant - I’ll be exploring! I’m sure 95% are all good, doubt I will have much to say besides ‘Thank you’
  23. Fair. That said, the architecture program at Cornell is (was?) a 5 year program. The workload is (was?) legendary. I’m pretty surprised by this. And my level of respect has gone through the roof.
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