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Dark Energy

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Everything posted by Dark Energy

  1. Anyone else think Chance rolls over a bit too easily? Can’t defend a gut at all.
  2. Zahid nearly killed the Iranian. Medical staff rushing the stage. Oh, ….. just lazy and doesn’t want to stand up.
  3. Zahid - mid periods. Review done. Zahid loses challenge. Zahid and Zahid’s coach saying they did not challenge. Weird. Opponent gets point. Down 9-4. Had tried inside trip and back fired. Taken down and turned 2x … too easily. now in 2d .. TD for Zahid and one lace. Losing 8-9
  4. Algerian pleading that Chance bit his hand. Won’t wrestle. Being reviewed. Being a real weenie.
  5. The Kadi match was awesome. Crazy at end. Greek guy had to give all at last moment and freaking pulled off the lift and toss. Last couple of seconds. Legit Greek? Cool.
  6. Zane R earned his spot.
  7. In arena for 2023 world championships in Belgrade. Many challenges are being won. General outcome is to change 2-0 or 4-0 exposure scores in 2 and 2. Seems like for exposures where it isn’t super clear who should be awarded the points, they are going 2 and 2.
  8. Guys. How figuring out mat assignments and how many matches out? I can’t figure out the UWW app and where it shows in there.
  9. Through translator both gracious and polite. Kadi wants to show that him beating Dake wasn’t a fluke. Also signed with Bellator?! Cool.
  10. Yes. Anyone have recommendations on food and things to do outside of watching the wrestling?
  11. The obvious answer is that Hawkeye content gets more views / eyeballs / key revenue related metrics. Those in the entertainment industry wisely pay attention to those things. A good question is….. Would a concerted effort to create more quality content that is not Hawkeye related would, in a reasonable amount of time, result in more views / eyeballs / better revenue related metrics? I bet sites have tried. I bet they have learned that this is hard and it is smart to go back to the Hawkeye well.
  12. Seems like confluence of events. Key ally, the AD, was retiring. Had opportunity to slot Mike Grey in. Stanford opened up. Perhaps Covid annoyance to. Given confluence, good time to make a shift.
  13. For these student athletes at Stanford … they got into Stanford. Stay at Stanford. Pls — get the brand, get the network, make the coin. Set yourself up for a very comfortable life. Stay at Stanford.
  14. A program with glory in their past is better than one that does not. Sure. And yes, one can assume the administration and resource backing is there. Just like it has been for the past 5 years+. Regardless of all that Something else isn’t allowing it all to click. And to the point that the recruits don’t seem to share my perspective - YES! Very true. I’m surprised by that. I must be missing something. Thus this post. Which I admitted in my original post was written in an over the top (aka exaggerated) manner.
  15. Fair points …. And good things. But if you are a stud and want to perform well at NCAAs … I’m suggesting that there are several (perhaps many) other schools that also have a lot going for them. Basically, I’m just surprised they are doing well with recruiting given their recent track record.
  16. Hearing they have a good recruiting class. #1? How? They’ve sucked. Great recruits have done meh. For extended period of time. What is drawing the best guys there still? (Yes, this is over the top - but you get my point)
  17. You are warping what I wrote. There are not only two outcomes possible - win or lose by tech/pin. My point, which I believe is clear, is I am surprised some seem to not try all that hard to win. They seem to concede the loss. I would think they would keep trying to win and be willing to take risks even if the risk means that they may lose by a wider margin - perhaps by tech or pin. At least they gave themselves a chance to win. You seem to feel that it is common to simply give up. Admit being outmatched and try to save some pride. I would suggest that giving up is not achieving that.
  18. Rings a bell. Something about being content to lose by a certain amount. I have admitted defeat, let’s not let the defeat look worse. Sound right?
  19. Sounds right. But it is a reason to actually do something to try to win. Even to the point of taking big risks. Agree?
  20. Crazy and sad. Wishing the best for Mr. Sasso. And hoping they find the culprit and put in jail for a long time.
  21. ‘Most dominant’ may very well be a title she has earned. I see others arguing P4P, sure. Ok. But this woman is destroying all comers at this point.
  22. A school’s athlete bet on same school’s teams over 500 times? What the? oh, it was for less than $5 a bet. That’s ok. Read the rules idiots. Waste of time to punish. These rules are bendable and breakable. Let’s ignore this kind of behavior to make this very clear. And let’s set plenty of precedent such that punishing anyone else for activity in the ballpark might very well be due to racism or some other ‘cism since they let this 500+ guy off. (So freaking frustrating how many people make excuses for others and expect no personal accountability)
  23. My goodness. This woman needs more discussion. She just wiped the mat with other women in her age group (U20) … not surprising since she is already world champ at U23 and the big show - seniors. Very very rarely a close match. Need some pros to give insights on her style. Also, is she going to challenge Gray for the Olympic spot?
  24. She was backpedaling hard. I get the call. Sad, but I get it.
  25. Just watched a wrestler, down by many points, do a whole lot of nothing in last minute of a match. Kinda danced in tie ups. Always surprises me. Your losing. Who cares if you lose by tech or pin or by points. It is a tourney — you are losing. Do something to win!! Try something. Go for it!!
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