Wow, for a culture that readily ‘cancels’ people, I’m pretty surprised that names are not being used.
- well, just noticed the Midwest wrestle twitter handle. That must be the ref in question. Posts don’t look bad but Pyles is saying they have been edited.
The idea of ‘Us’ vs ‘Them’ has very deep roots in history and how our brain works. Being racist is an easy and lazy way to get the dopamine fix. ‘I feel better and am happier by considering myself and those I associate with as better than those people.’
Our society is making progress in fighting against racism and I hope that progress continues. Continues to take focus. This thread helps.
I will caution about twitter comments though. We have plenty of proof of ‘Bad actors’ … often backed by antagonistic countries … that are trying to sow division and unrest. Don’t be a lemming.
Your examples + no athletic scholarships show it is not lip service. But I agree that sports still matter to them. Still - if look on horizon … paying athletes outright, I can see the Ivy presidents and leadership really not liking where this is headed and are trying to wall off the league. Again, speculation but I can see it.
Would love to hear more of the Ivy League decision back story.
Pure speculation here … could see Ivy League wanting to wall them and their athletes off a bit more from the $$$ arms race. They don’t give athletic scholarships and seemingly do stand more behind the idea that these are students first than most schools. Primary goal is academics.
Back to original point … sadly, I think the answer is yes, NIL will drive PED use in HS and college. And also sadly, I bet there will be parents and other adults that are ok with it and facilitate it.
With a long I? As in stein (like beer stein), the name Feinberg, the word nein (no in German), etc? I’m guessing no … more likely the answer above … phoenix .
and for Zoi - reads to me as Zoy. Thinking Boise, Boiler, koi. But perhaps it is Zo-ee.
Finals are up next after the speeches, I think.
Oh — regarding Mega — he is an incredible role model. Amazing that he has a career and he is staying in such good wrestling shape.
That said, I am assuming he really does work a full time job (I’ll say 30+ hours a week).
Watching the Yogi Berra documentary on Netflix. Good stuff. Actually has a short interview with Hudson Taylor regarding Yogi’s support of LGBTQ athletes. Impressed that Hudson has such a leadership role in the community.
I’m seeing posts that suggest (what I think are) incredible High Schooler wins in freestyle vs college studs. That is awesome.
But curious about folkstyle wins by high schooler against the very best college kids. Are some of those mentioned above folkstyle wins?
Antitroll = Troll. Perfect example of being called out for over the top BS trolling (next Burroughs / Snyder) and then deflecting and crying about being called out for being over the top. Even quotes my post providing criticism of Yianni and cries that we don’t let people criticize Yianni. Can’t make this stuff up.
Acts like an A$$ and then whines when called out for it.
U17 world champ this year. Class of 2025 for High School. Kid is YOUNG! Wow. Again. Have anyone heard of this kind of performance? Any HS kid beat a #1 ranked college guy?