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Everything posted by mspart

  1. What about JB making it to the finals? My heart says yes, but my head says a tough row to hoe. mspart
  2. Page turning definitely the best. mspart
  3. I won't discount that. If I could make a $3000 guitar sound like a $3000 guitar, it might work. Alas, I have a $350 Epiphone Les Paul Standard Plus Top Pro which I love and it sounds like a better guitar than the price. This is a fun song to play and not too difficult except for that beginning part. Fun to play against a youtube backing track. Then I am the guitar. In my head, I sound pretty good. mspart
  4. What does an admiral know about this? He should be thinking about how to annihilate the enemy. Oh wait... mspart
  5. Thanks jross. I have watched that. I have the parts down pretty good. It is finger dexterity for the most part. There is a stretch that my little and old hand just has trouble with without touching the high E string and muting that F# hit. But I'm getting there. And to ionel - I won't dignify that post with a response. mspart
  6. I have not seen those bands. I liked Judas Priest, not Iron Maiden so much. Metallica has some good stuff and I can almost play Nothing Else Matters so that is good. I've got it mostly down except the intro. I have it but cannot play it good consistently. Beginning looks like this!! Fairly easy. mspart
  7. Just wondering what thoughts there are out there. I have a shirt that says "I may be old but I got to see all the cool bands". Very true. I won't list them but it seems like the 70s bands paved new territory and the 80s and 90s bands just kind of followed with small changes. A list of A list 70's bands. Yes, Led Zepp, Bad Co, Heart, Allman Bros, Lynyrd Skynyrd, Styx, Blue Oyster Cult, Pink Floyd, UFO, Scorpions, Ted Nugent, Van Halen, Kansas, Eagles, Who, etc. These were groundbreaking acts. I've seen most of these in concert in one form or another. mspart
  8. A president needs hair. That is in the job description. At least a little. mspart
  9. It is the dream team. Ohio - make it a very low bridge please. mspart
  10. And there you go. Biden is supported by Russian disinformation. Any good news for Biden can now be blamed on Russian disinformation. I hope the social medias take note and start scrubbing scrubbing scrubbing!!! mspart
  11. Very quiet now that TX has done something and it worked. With a stroke of a pen, Biden created this mess. And now he needs new legislation to fix it. Unbelievable. mspart
  12. My intention was good. To electrify the house. Too bad I did it wrong and burned the house down. But my intentions were good. My intention was good. I wanted to write the perfect paper. I got help from other authors without their permission or citation. But my intentions were good. My intention was good. Try to get people out of poverty. Part of the rules were that married people would not get the benefits but singles would. Wow, talk about out of wedlock births skying through the roof. Talk about keeping generations in single households an in poverty. But my intention was good. My intention was good. Legalize drugs so we get rid of cartels. Drugs got more potent, and more deaths were incurred. More people are homeless and addicted than ever before. But my intentions were good. My intention was good. Do not charge people with law breaking for camping on streets and parks. Next thing you know we have people addicted to drugs on the streets, pooping on said streets, peeing on said streets, dying on said streets. Stores close due to rampant shoplifting which also has been decriminalized to help the poor. The stores closing do more harm to the poor than the alleged assistance. But my intentions were good. My intention was good. I placed more taxes on the evil businesses to make them pay their fair share. What I didn't think would happen was that they would pass those tax costs on to their consumers. I thought for sure they would pay out of pocket for these taxes. So I get more money in taxes (yay!!) but the consumers have less money (sad) and the business leaders are making more money (sad) so overall a good deal for me. But my intentions were good. I could go on all day but this is tedious and obvious and self manifesting. You don't need me to point these out. There are visible for everyone to see. mspart
  13. True, it may not age well. But NBC is friendly territory and they couldn't craft questions well enough to avoid such a horrible response for Biden and good response for Trump. Perhaps this is a manifestation of Ds trying to get Biden out of the campaign picture. mspart
  14. The road to hell is paved with good intentions. I've heard this as a kid. Just a little research and thinking would have predicted the outcome. The intention - to guarantee gig workers a minimum pay ended up having them make much less than they were without the intervention. Good intentions are not enough in the real world. mspart
  15. I can verify that Maracaibo area was doing pretty well back when I lived there. For South America, they had it pretty good. Most people had food, a place to live, nice clothes, a refrigerator, and some had a car. There was not a concern where the next meal would come from. That is freedom really. To be sure there was dirt poor folks that had that concern. I would call them the poor, those that did not have a concern middle class. Then there was the uber rich. I was surprised by how many middle class type people there were. A majority I'd say. Apparently not so now. mspart
  16. Welcome to leftist economics. All about the worker, not about the consumer or the business entity. Raise costs on the business, raise costs to the consumer, consumer decides he/she doesn't need the service. Basic Econ 099. mspart
  17. https://www.kiro7.com/news/local/tired-seattles-new-food-delivery-fees-one-driver-took-things-into-his-own-hands/MHCVFIV6AZASLCWHJAJMIR2EDE/ SEATTLE — Food delivery drivers say they’ve been getting fewer orders since Seattle implemented new minimum wage requirements for delivery workers a month ago. Delivery companies like DoorDash and Uber Eats have tacked on more fees for customers in the wake of those new wage rules, sparking ire and backlash. And those companies say that demand has fallen as a result. A spokesperson for Uber told KIRO7 Monday night that Uber Eats drivers in Seattle are now waiting 30% longer for jobs, and it is “tracking a steady decline in demand from customers.” Another leftist idea crashing and burning. Now the gig workers are making less. Way to go!! Anyone with common sense could have seen this coming. Raise the cost of doing business and the service costs have to rise as well. mspart
  18. As predicted. More expensive, more expensive to repair when broken down, heavier to tow, just a screaming deal. mspart
  19. People are better off with Biden? Have you read the polls? https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/2024-election/poll-biden-trump-economy-presidential-race-rcna136834 Poll: 20-point deficit on handling economy highlights Biden’s struggles against Trump The president’s approval rating has fallen to a new low in NBC News polling, as Trump narrowly leads in a 2024 general election matchup. This poll has the leftists in a tizzy because it was produced by one of their own. mspart
  20. That was really a good read. mspart
  21. Con - has been very divisive. Said he would bring the country together and then immediately calls half of the country MAGA extremists who want to get rid of democracy. Very similar to Hillary calling half the country deplorables. This does not bring the country together, it further divides. If you don't believe that, ask yourself why we are so divided as a country and then ask yourself what he has done to bring us all together. He can't put sentences together without problems. Cognitively impaired. Ruined the border, gave us inflation like we haven't seen, put energy companies on notice that he is shutting them down and signed an EO to that effect on the first day. Pros - He's not Trump and completely dismantling his policy wins with stupid tweets etc. mspart
  22. I haven't read a book in a while actually, my last post was a joke post. I have read Undaunted Courage about Lewis and Clark. That was good. I have read John Adams and that was really good. 1491 was a good but tough read about pre columbian America. Lost in Shangri-La was a good WWII story of a joy ride gone bad in the Pacific. True story. I'm more of a non-fiction type. I read all these in the last 20 years or so. I get enough reading at work. mspart
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